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Phytologia is an open-access journal to expedite plant systematic, phytogeographical and ecological publication focused on North America, but papers of a more general nature may be considered by the editorial board. Papers focusing on species that only occur in a country or small region outside North America should be published in national or regional journals.
Phytologia Instructions for Journal Authors
General Instructions
Phytologia is a rapid publication journal, published as Open Access journal and digitally available on our website, www.phytologia.org as free downloads. All manuscripts must be accompanied with two (2) peer reviews. Please incorporate the suggestions of the reviewers or comment on why the suggestions are not incorporated. Papers may be sent out for a third review when deemed necessary.
Due to the nature of rapid publication, the major portion of editing your manuscript rests on the author. The role of the managing editor is to convert your manuscript and figures to the digital publication specifications used by Phytologia. At least one member of the Phytologia Editorial Board will read your manuscript and suggest corrections of minor errors to the managing editor. However, that does not absolve the author from rigorous spell checking their manuscript before submission and checking the most recent issue of Phytologia for page formatting, topic headings, the literature citation format, etc.
Email your manuscript with two (2) reviews by email (as attachments) to the managing editor.
Text Portion
Label your file as: AuthorNameKeywordsdate (ex. AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06.docx). Only the lead author's name is needed. The text portion should be in MS Word and sent as a .docx file.
Set your margins so that the text (when printed) is 6 1/2" wide, using Times New Roman, single spacing, 11 pt. Set your top, bottom, left and right margins to 1".
Please Format your text in the Phytologia page size:
-Set your Font to Times New Roman, 11 pt.
-Set line spacing to: single.
A major problem in rapid publication is in re-formatting your text to the size used in Phytologia. This is especially critical in re-formatting keys! Go to Page Setup and set the following:
Paper (tab): Paper Size: letter (8 1/2 x 11"). Text is 6 1/2" wide x 9" long.
Margins(tab): Orientation: click Portrait. Note: all content, including figures and tables will be in portrait format in the final publication. Large tables need to be formatted accordingly.
Pages/ Margins: Top 1" Bottom 1" Inside 1" Outside 1" Gutter 0"
Figures: Label your figures as: AuthorNameKeywordsdateFigx (ex. AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig1.jpg; AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig2.jpg; AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig3.jpg, etc.)
Scan your figures at 600 dpi. 300 dpi can be too grainy. Because Phytologia is converted to pdf files before posting on the website, scanning images at a higher resolution is of no value as the images are compressed for fast web access.
Figures are easily converted from the .jpg format, so sending the figures as .jpg files as attachments is the preferred method. You may send multiple emails if there is not enough space in one email for all figures.
NOTE: All Latin names should be in italics!
Paper Layout
Experimental papers should have the following sectional headings:
Title (boldface, 11 pt, Times Roman, Latin names in italics):
Post-Pleistocene geographic variation in Juniperus communis in North America (lower case, bold, centered)
-Author(s) name(s), first name spelled out; complete mailing address(es)
-email address for at least the corresponding author:
Robert P. Adams (lower case, bold, centered)
Biology Department, Baylor University, Waco, TX 79040, USA
[email protected]
ABSTRACT (caps, bold, centered)
A new variety of ....
KEY WORDS: Juniperus, Cupressaceae.....
Main text:
The genus Juniperus .......
MATERIALS AND METHODS (caps, bold, centered)
Samples were collected.....
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (caps, bold, centered)
Fig. 1 shows the.....
CONCLUSIONS (caps, bold, centered) if desired
It is clear that .....
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (caps, bold, centered)
This research was supported with funds .....
LITERATURE CITED (caps, bold, centered)
Please single space and use indentation. Note that an author's name is repeated in the next reference. Order references alphabetically by author, then by date. Make sure there is a space between first initials.
Journal articles:
Adams, R. P. 1975. Statistical character weighting and similarity stability. Brittonia 27: 305-316.
Adams, R. P. and J. P. Miller. 1977. Chemosystematics - Analyses of populational differentiation and variability of ancestral and recent populations of Juniperus ashei. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 64: 184-209.
Adams, R. P., J. P. Miller and H. T. Yun. 1999. Systematics of multi-seeded eastern hemisphere
Juniperus based on leaf essential oils and RAPD DNA fingerprinting. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 27: 709-725.
Adams, R. P. 2004. The junipers of the world: The genus Juniperus.
Trafford Publ., Victoria, BC.
Chapter in a book:
Adams, R. P., L. E. Flournoy and R. N. Pandey. 1998. Obtaining
reproducible patterns from random polymorphic DNA amplification
(RAPDs). in Conservation of Plant Genes III: Conservation and
Utilization of African Plants. R. P. and J. E. Adams, eds., Missouri
Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Citations in the text should follow this format:
(Adams 1975)
(Adams and Miller 1977)
(Adams et al. 1999)
Multiple citations should be separated by semicolon and listed chronologically (Adams 1975; Adams and Miller 1977; Adams et al. 1999)
Papers dealing purely with taxonomic revisions and keys may not have the section headings: MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, and CONCLUSIONS. You may use other subheadings as needed.
All manuscripts should be submitted to the managing editor at:
[email protected]
The genus Juniperus .......
MATERIALS AND METHODS (caps, bold, centered)
Samples were collected.....
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (caps, bold, centered)
Fig. 1 shows the.....
CONCLUSIONS (caps, bold, centered) if desired
It is clear that .....
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (caps, bold, centered)
This research was supported with funds .....
LITERATURE CITED (caps, bold, centered)
Please single space and use indentation. Note that an author's name is repeated in the next reference. Order references alphabetically by author, then by date. Make sure there is a space between first initials.
Journal articles:
Adams, R. P. 1975. Statistical character weighting and similarity stability. Brittonia 27: 305-316.
Adams, R. P. and J. P. Miller. 1977. Chemosystematics - Analyses of populational differentiation and variability of ancestral and recent populations of Juniperus ashei. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 64: 184-209.
Adams, R. P., J. P. Miller and H. T. Yun. 1999. Systematics of multi-seeded eastern hemisphere
Juniperus based on leaf essential oils and RAPD DNA fingerprinting. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 27: 709-725.
Adams, R. P. 2004. The junipers of the world: The genus Juniperus.
Trafford Publ., Victoria, BC.
Chapter in a book:
Adams, R. P., L. E. Flournoy and R. N. Pandey. 1998. Obtaining
reproducible patterns from random polymorphic DNA amplification
(RAPDs). in Conservation of Plant Genes III: Conservation and
Utilization of African Plants. R. P. and J. E. Adams, eds., Missouri
Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Citations in the text should follow this format:
(Adams 1975)
(Adams and Miller 1977)
(Adams et al. 1999)
Multiple citations should be separated by semicolon and listed chronologically (Adams 1975; Adams and Miller 1977; Adams et al. 1999)
Papers dealing purely with taxonomic revisions and keys may not have the section headings: MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, and CONCLUSIONS. You may use other subheadings as needed.
All manuscripts should be submitted to the managing editor at:
[email protected]