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Phytologia Memoirs (Monographic Books)
Phytologia Memoirs (Monographic Books)
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Phytologia 106(4), December 20, 2024 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Kelley, J. M. 2024. Notes on the pubescence of Zornia bracteata with description of a new form. Phytologia 106(4): 47-50.
*Davison, P. G., J. M. Ray and C. A. Davison. 2024. Sommerstorffia pugioniformis sp. nov: A new species of rotifer-trapping oomycete discovered using a novel baiting technique. Phytologia 106(4): 51-67.
Van Auken, O. W. and C. D. Terrell. 2024. Herbivore effects on growth and survival of juvenile Damianita plants (Chrysactina mexicana, Compositae/Asteraceae). Phytologia 106(4): 68-77.
Phytologia 106(3), September 23, 2024 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Singhurst, J. R., C. Ruthven and B. Larkin. 2024. Ranunculus flabellaris (Ranunculaceae) new to the flora of Texas. Phytologia 106(3): 39-42.
Cobb, C. M and J. M. Kelly. 2024. Stylisma patens (Convolvulaceae) documented in the West Gulf Coastal Plain of Louisiana. Phytologia 106(3): 43-46.
Phytologia 106(2), June 20, 2024 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Enríquez-de-Salamanca, Á. 2024. Typification and distribution of two hybrids of Juniperus communis L. Phytologia 106(2): 13-32.
Wilson, T. M., S. S. Ingram and R. E. Carlson. 2024. Volatile compound profile of Osmorhiza occidentalis Torr. (Apiaceae) root essential oil. Phytologia 106(2): 33-38.
Phytologia 106(1), March 20, 2024 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Kelley, J. M. 2024. Status of Marshallia caespitosa in Louisiana and deletion of var. signata. Phytologia 106(1): 1-6.
*Mione, T., S. Leiva González and L. Yacher. 2024. Red-orange floral nectar is the most outstanding feature of Jaltomata amazona (Solanaceae), a new nightshade from Department Amazonas, Peru. Phytologia 106(1): 7-12.
Phytologia 105(3), December 21, 2023 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Nelson, A. D., B. O'Neal, K. Waddell, J. Herrera, C. O'Neal and K. Carroll. 2023. Calcareous prairie vegetation of Smith Prairie in Cleburne, Texas. Phytologia 105(3): 71-83.
Adkins, J. S. and O. W. Van Auken. 2023. Survival and mortality of protected and non-protected Juniperus ashei seedlings in Central Texas juniper/live oak woodlands. Phytologia 105(3): 84-90.
Phytologia 105(2), June 21, 2023 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Nelson, A. D. and J. Stanford. 2023. Penstemon albidus (Plantaginaceae) in the Lampasas Cut Plain Ecoregion of Texas. Phytologia 105(2): 25-28.
Seigler, D. S., J. E. Ebinger, V. C. Hollowell and C. W. Riggins. 2023. Revision of the genus Mariosousa (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) in the New World. Phytologia 105(2): 29-67.
Kelley, J. M. 2023. A historical collection of Osmorhiza claytonii (Apiaceae) from Louisiana. Phytologia 105(2): 68-70.
Phytologia 105(1), March 21, 2023 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Nelson, A. D., R. Rosiere, T. Cotton, S. Brown and D. Cosby. 2023. Near-riparian vegetation of the Colorado River at Colorado Bend State Park and Regency, Texas. Phytologia 105(1): 1-14.
Kelley, J. M. 2023. Rudbeckia grandiflora var. alismifolia (Asteraceae) in Oklahoma. Phytologia 105(1): 15-17.
Ruggles, Z., T. M. Wilson, A. Abad and C. Packer. 2023. Picea pungens (Pinaceae) branch and trunk wood essential oil profile comparison from cultivated trees in northern Idaho (USA). Phytologia 105(1): 18-24.
Phytologia 104(4), December 21, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
O'Neal, B. K., A. D. Nelson and C. J. O'Neal. 2022. Quantifying the vegetative community of a bottomland-floodplain forest within Colorado Bend State Park along the Colorado River. Phytologia 104(4): 49-65.
Ruggles, Z, T. M. Wilson, A. Abad and C. Walker. 2022. Trunk wood essential oil profile comparison of Abies concolor (Pinaceae) and Abies grandis (Pinaceae) from northern Idaho (USA). Phytologia 104(4): 66-73.
Phytologia 104(3), September 20, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W., D. L. Taylor, J. K. Bush and J. R. Singhurst. 2022. Isolated deciduous woodlands in central Texas. Phytologia 104(3): 13-23.
Kelley, J. M. 2022. Symphyotrichum ericoides (Asteraceae) in Louisiana. Phytologia 104(3): 24-26.
*Grande Allende, J. R. 2022. Sertulum Ternstroemiacearum, V. Taxonomy of the Ternstroemia dentata complex, including one new species. Phytologia 104(3): 27-39.
Kelley, J. M. 2022. A new color form of Helianthus angustifolius. Phytologia 104(3): 40-44.
White, M., J. R. Singhurst and W. C. Holmes. 2022. Quercus prinoides (Fagaceae): a New Oak for the Texas Flora. Phytologia 104(3): 45-48.
Phytologia 104(2), June 21, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
O’Kane, S. L. and K. D. Heil. 2022. Descurainia kenheilii (Brassicaceae): Revised description and new records from Colorado.
Phytologia 104(2): 4-7.
Hoagland, B., D. Arbour and B. D. Smith. 2022. New to Oklahoma: Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae). Phytologia 104(2): 8-9.
*Halse, R. R. and C. Feuillet. 2022. A new combination in Heliotropium (Boraginales: Heliotropiaceae). Phytologia 104(2): 10.
Kelley, J. M. and J. Hamsher. 2022. Phelipanche ramosa (Orobanchaceae) in Louisiana. Phytologia 104(2): 11-12.
Phytologia 104(1), March 22, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Singhurst, J. R., W. C. Holmes, E. Keith, L. Wise and C. McKee. 2022. Yucca cernua (Agavaceae) - New to the Louisiana Flora. Phytologia 104(1): 1-3.
Phytologia 103(4), December 22, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Singhurst, J. R. and W. C. Holmes. 2021. Matelea baldwyniana (Asclepiadaceae*) new to the Texas flora. Phytologia 103(4): 86-89.
*Brinda, J. C., J. A. Jáuregui-Lazo, M. J. Oliver and B. D. Mishler. 2021. Notes on the genus Syntrichia with a revised infrageneric classification and the recognition of a new genus Syntrichiadelphus (Bryophyta, Pottiaceae). Phytologia 103(4): 90-103.
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. 2021. A new combination in Senegalia (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Phytologia 103(4): 104-105.
Wilson, T. M., A. Poulson, C. Packer, R. E. Carlson, R. Davis, M. G. Dey, N.M. Owen, S. W. Smalley, R. Dodge, G. Zahn, A. Baadsgaard and M.T. Stevens. 2021. Essential oil, insect, and microbe relationships in Juniperus osteosperma (Cupressaceae) trees killed by wildfire. Phytologia 103(4): 106-118.
Phytologia 103(3), September 27, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. 2021. A new species of Mariosousa (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) from Northwestern Mexico. Phytologia 103(3): 69-72.
Nelson, A. D., R. Rosiere, K. Gamez, T. Cotton, S. Brown, and M. Sheik. 2021. Near riparian vegetation on the Colorado River at Timberlake Biological Station in the Lampasas Cut Plain of Texas. Phytologia 103(3): 73-85.
Phytologia 103(2), June 21, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W. 2021. Photosynthesis of Ptelea trifoliata L. the common hop tree (Rutaceae, rue family) in Central Texas woodlands. Phytologia 103(2): 18-28.
Franck, A. R., G. D. Gann, J. Sadle, and A. Farid. 2021. Sharpening plant taxonomy in South Florida: Baccharis and Melanthera (Asteraceae), Borreria and Chiococca (Rubiaceae), and Lantana (Verbenaceae). Phytologia 103(2): 29-68.
Phytologia 103(1), March 22, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Davis, W. J., J. Bailey, and M. Anthonisen. 2021. Synchytrium eremocaryae, eremocarpae, or eremocarpi? - A case study of the intersection of taxonomy, nomenclature, and community science. Phytologia 103(1): 1-4.
Blackwell, W. H. and M. J. Powell. 2021. A review of genus Megachytrium Sparrow (Chytridiomycota) and its primary host Elodea canadensis (Monocotyledoneae, Hydrocharitaceae). Phytologia 103(1): 5-9.
Poulson, A., T. M. Wilson, C. Packer, R. E. Carlson, and R. M. Buch. 2021. Aromatic profiles of trunk, limb, and leaf essential oils of Juniperus scopulorum (Cupressaceae) from Utah. Phytologia 103(1): 10-17.
Phytologia 102(3), Sept. 21, 2020 (scroll down for Vols from present to Vol. 88 For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99 (above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, J. Anderson, K. Rushforth, N. Valentin and S. Sijak-Yakovlev. 2020. Nuclear and chloroplast DNAs reveal diverse origins of J. chinensis cultivars from Windsor Gardens, UK. Part 2 of 3. Phytologia 102(3): 106-115.
*Hershkovitz, M. A. 2020 Rumicastrum Ulbrich (Montiaceae): a beautiful name for the Australian calandrinias. Phytologia 102(3): 116-123.
Adams, R. P., A. N. Tashev and N. Tashev. 2020. The leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus heldreichii Christ from Bulgaria and comparisons with Greece and Montenegro-Serbia oils, and P. leucodermis oil, Italy. Phytologia 102(3): 124-130.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, R. D. Worthington and G. M. Ferguson. 2020. Hybridization between serrate leaf Juniperus monosperma and smooth leaf J. scopulorum in the Guadalupe Mountains, NM, USA: evidence from DNA sequencing and leaf essential oils. Phytologia 102(3): 131-142.
Adams, R. P., F, Pena, E. Wilcox and B. Scow. 2020. The effects extreme alkaline soil on biomass and hydrocarbon yields in Helianthus annuus cv. Munchkin, Firecracker and Little Becka (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 102(3): 143-149.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, J. Anderson, K. Rushforth, N. Valentin, A. E. Schwarzbach and S. Sijak-Yakovlev. 2020. Nuclear and chloroplast DNAs reveal diverse origins and mis-identifications of Juniperus cultivars from Windsor Gardens, UK, Part 3 of 3. Phytologia 102(3): 150-161.
Van Auken, O. W., J. K. Bush and H. Escobar. 2020. Do gas exchange rates of Phaseolus texensis (Boerne Bean, Leguminosae) reflect its potential niche? Phytologia 102(3): 162-171.
*Wipff, J. K. 2020. New combinations in Dichanthelium (Poaceae) Phytologia 102(3): 172-176.
*Ufimov, R. A. and T. A. Dickinson. 2020. Infrageneric nomenclature adjustments in Crataegus L. (Maleae, Rosaceae). Phytologia 102(3): 177-199.
Poulson, A, T. M. Wilson, C. Packer, R. E. Carlson and R. M. Buch. 2020.Essential oils of trunk, limbs, needles and seed cones of Pinus edulis (Pinaceae) from Utah. Phytologia 102(3): 200-207.
*Singhurst, J. R., J. Mark Egger, J. N. Mink and W. C. Holmes. 2020. Castilleja halophila (Orobanchaceae): A new species from the Texas Coastal Bend. Phytologia 102(3): 208-218.
Phytologia 102(2), June 24, 2020 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W., J. K. Bush, D. L. Taylor and J. R. Singhurst. 2020. Examining ecological characteristics of populations of Acer grandidentatum Nutt. (Aceraceae, bigtooth maple) in Central Texas. Phytologia 102(2): 27-40
Adams, R. P. and K-S Mao. 2020. The composition of the volatile leaf oils (terpenoids) of Cupressus chengiana. Phytologia 102(2): 41-54.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2020. Long distance gene flow facilitated by bird-dispersed seeds in wind-pollinated species: A story of hybridization and introgression between Juniperus ashei and J. ovata told by nrDNA and cpDNA. Phytologia 102(2): 55-74
*Blackwell, W. H. and M. J. Powell. 2020. Taxonomy and morphology of Macrochytrium (Chytridiomycota). Phytologia 102(2): 75-82.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, C. S. Mendias and J. Altarejos. 2020. Hybridization and introgression between Juniperus communis var. saxatilis and var. hemispherica in the Sierra de Baza Mountains, Spain. Phytologia 102(2): 83-87.
R. P. Adams, A. Averett, T. Ayers, F. Barrie, M. Blackwell, W. H. Blackwell, M. W. Bierner, K. Clary, P. G. Delprete, W. Elisens, D. Irwin, M. Lavin, D. Northington, R. Olmstead, M. Powell, S. P. Rankin, P. H. Raven, H. Robinson, R. Scott, J. L. Strother, T. F. Stuessy, S. Tomb, B. L. Turner II, M. Warnock Turner, J. Walker and G. Yatskievych. 2020. Obituary and Tribute to Billie L. Turner: Botanist, Teacher, Mentor, Philosopher, Friend. Phytologia 102(2): 88-105.
Phytologia 102(1), March 22, 2020 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Pétala Gomes Ribeiro, P. G. D. S. Seigler and J. E. Ebinger. 2020. New combination and new synonymy in Piptadenia (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Phytologia 102(1): 1-4.
*Blackwell, W. H. and M. J. Powell. 2020. A nomenclatural and systematic note on the genus Myiophagus (ex Chytridiomycota). Phytologia 102(1): 5-8.
Adams, R. P. and M. Espeut. 2020. Hybridization and introgression between Juniperus communis var. saxatilis and var. hemispherica in the Pyrenees Mountains, France. Phytologia 102(1): 9-13.
Adams, R. P. M. Socorro González-Elizondo and George M. Ferguson. 2020. Allopatric hybridization and introgression between Juniperus scopulorum Sarg. and Juniperus blancoi Mart. in northern Mexico: Unidirectional gene flow. Phytologia 102(1): 14-26.
Phytologia 101(4), Dec 21, 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson and G. J. Seiler. Screening hydrocarbon yields of sunflowers: Helianthus maximiliani, H. grosseserratus H. nuttallii, and H. tuberosus in the North Dakota-Minnesota-South Dakota area. Phytologia 101(4): 208-217.
Dorn, R. D. 2019. Populus acuminata Rydb., hybrid or hybrid-derived species? Phytologia 101(4):
*Mavarez, J. and M. T. Becerra. 2019. Taxonomic novelties in páramo plants. Espeletia ramosa (Asteraceae), a new species from Colombia. Phytologia 101(4): 222-230.
Engelken, S. E., J. T. Jackson and O.W. Van Auken. 2019. Changes in Growth of Aristida purpurea Steud. (C4, Poaceae, Fender’s three awn) in the Presence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi and/or Solenopsis invicta Buren (red imported fire ant). Phytologia 101(4): 231-252.
Phytologia 101(3), Sept 21, 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Powell, M. J., P. M. Lecher, W. J. Davis, R. B. Holland and C. G. Velez. 2019. Rodmanochytrium is a new genus of chitinophylic chytrids (Chytridiales). Phytologia 101(3): 175-187.
Wilson, T. M., A. Poulson, C. Packer, J. Marshall, R. Carlson, and R. M. Buch. 2019. Essential oils of whole tree, trunk, limbs and leaves of Juniperus osteosperma from Utah. Phytologia 101(3): 188-193.
Johnson, S. T., S. Theobald and R. P. Adams. 2019. The effects of plant growth regulator (methyl jasmonate), salt (NaCl) stress and nutrient deficiency on biomass and hydrocarbon yields in Helianthus annuus cv. Munchkin (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 101(3): 194-199.
Adams, R. P. and V. Farzaliyev . 2019 Composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus eldarica Medw. from Azerbaijan compared with P. brutia Ten. leaf essential oil. Phytologia 101(3): 200-207.
Phytologia 101(2), June 21, 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Gaddy, L. L., T. H. Carter, B. Ely, S. Sakaguchi, A. Matsuo and Y. Suyama. 2019. Shortia brevistyla (Diaspensiaceae), comb. et stat. Nov., A narrow endemic from the headwaters of the Catawba River in North Carolina, U. S. A. Phytologia 101(2):113-119.
Adams, R. P. and A. N. Tashev. 2019. Mass Spectral identification and quantitation of Single Ion Chromatography of unresolved limonene, sylvestrene and β-phellandrene in the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus peuce (Bulgaria) and comparison with oils from other regions. Phytologia 101(2):120-130.
*Keil, D. J. 2019. Trifolium albopurpureum var. columbinum (Fabaceae), a New Combination for a California Clover Phytologia 101(2):131-133.
Adams, R. P. 2019. Inheritance of chloroplasts and mitochondria in Conifers: A review of paternal, maternal, leakage and facultative inheritance. Phytologia 101(2): 134-138.
*Powell, M. J., P. M. Letcher, W. J. Davis, E. Lefèvre, M. Brooks and J. E. Longcore. 2019. Taxonomic summary of Rhizoclosmatium and description of four new Rhizoclosmatium species (Chytriomycetaceae, Chytridiales). Phytologia 101(2): 139-163.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, J. Anderson, K. Rushforth, P. Farhat, N. Valentin and Sonja Siljak-Yakovlev. 2019. The origin of Juniperus xpfitzeriana, an allo-tetraploid hybrid of J. chinensis x J. sabina. Phytologia 101(2): 164-174.
Phytologia 101(1) 21 March., 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2019. Review of Nucleophaga (a primitive, ‘cryptomycotan’ genus): Summary of named and unnamed species, with discussion of contemporary and historical observations. Phytologia 101(1):1-18.
Adams, R. P. and S. T. Johnson. 2019. The effects of plant growth regulators on the growth and yields of hydrocarbons in Helianthus annuus cv. Munchkin (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 101(1): 19-24.
Rice, B. A. 2019. The genus Drosera L. (Droseraceae) in the western USA. Phytologia 101(1): 25-37.
Adams, R. P., F. Bartolucci, F. Conti, L. Di Martino, T. Mataraci and A. N. Tashev. 2019. The composition of the leaf essential oils of J. sabina var. balkanensis: comparison between oils from central Italy with oils from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. Phytologia 101(1): 38-45.
Grunstra, M. B. and O. W. Van Auken. 2019. Correcting a Previously Published Error in Soil Salinity Comparisons Reported from a West Texas Salt Marsh. Phytologia 101(1): 46-57.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, M. Miller, C. Low and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2019. Inheritance of single copy nuclear genes (SCNGs) in artificial hybrids of Hesperocyparis arizonica x H. macrocarpa: Potential for utilization in the detection of hybridization in natural populations. Phytologia 101(1): 58-66.
Hojjati, F. 2019. Palynology of different populations of Juniperus polycarpos complex in Iran. Phytologia 101(1): 67-73.
Adams, R. P. and A. N. Tashev. 2019. Composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus mugo Turra from Bulgaria. Phytologia 101(1): 74-80.
Adams, R. P. and A. N. Tashev. 2019. Composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus mugo Turra from Bulgaria. Phytologia 101(1): 74-80.
Riefner, R. E., Jr. and A. R. Smith. New and Noteworthy Epiphytic Ferns from the Urban Forests of Coastal Southern California, U.S.A. Phytologia 101(1): 81-112.
Phytologia 100(4) 21 Dec., 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P. and S. T. Johnson. 2018. The effects growth regulators on the growth and yields of hydrocarbons in Cotton (Gossypium). Phytologia 100(4): 195-198.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, M. Ulloa, T. Witt, J. Burke, B. Scow, J. Frelichowski and L. L. Hinze. 2018. Comparison of hydrocarbon yields in SA-2269 cotton grown in four test plots in Texas and Utah. Phytologia 100(4): 199-204.
Muñoz-Reinoso, J. C. 2018. Advantages of being a monoecious juniper. Phytologia 100(4): 205 -207.
Hershkovitz, M. 2018. Cistanthe philhershkovitziana (Montiaceae) a remarkable annual species of Cistanthe sect. Cistanthe from Chile. Phytologia 100(4): 208-221.
Rushforth, K. 2018. The Whitebeam problem, and a solution. Phytologia 100(4): 222-247.
Adams, R. P. 2018. Evolution of dioecious/ monecious taxa in Juniperus, contrasted with Cupressus, Hesperocyparis, Callitropsis and Xanthocyparis (Cupressaceae). Phytologia 100(4): 248-255.
Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. New Combinations in Parasenegallia and Mariosousa (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Phytologia 100(4): 256-259.
Phytologia 100(3) 22 Sept., 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Bush, J. K. and O. W. Van Auken. 2018. Comparison of mortality of Quercus stellata (post oak) after a Central Texas drought. Phytologia 100(3): 167-176.
Adams, R. P. and S. T. Johnson. 2018. The effects of methyl jasmonate on the growth and yields of hydrocarbons in Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 100(3): 177-182.
Steponaitis, M. C. and T. Mione. 2018. Feather-tipped Forceps: A method for handling fragile organisms. Phytologia 100(3): 183-186.
Adams, R. P., P. Farhat, L. Shuka and S. Silak-Yakovlev. 2018. Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev in Albania and relictual polymorphisms found in nrDNA. Phytologia 100(3): 187-194.
Phytologia 100(2) 22 June, 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Adams, R. P., A. Boratynski, K. Marcysiak, F. Roma-Marzio, L. Peruzzi, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev and S. Siljak-Yakovlev. 2018. Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams & Tashev in Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Central and Southern Italy and relictual polymorphisms found in nrDNA. Phytologia 100(2): 117-127.
Nelson, A. D., R. Rosiere, K. Gamez and K. Lowey. 2018. Composition of a Bottomland Forest on the Colorado River in the Lampasas Cut Plain of Texas. Phytologia 100(2): 128-144.
Adams, R. P., S. Johnson, A. J. Coombes and L. Camaño, M. Socorro González-Elizondo, Martha González-Elizondo. 2018. Preliminary examination of hybridization and introgression between Juniperus flaccida and J. poblana: nrDNA and cpDNA sequence data. Phytologia 100(2): 145-152.
Adams, R. P., Matt Lavin and Gerald P. Seiler. 2018. Geographic variation in hexane extractable hydrocarbons in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers) II. Phytologia 100(2): 153-160.
Adams, R. P., Matt Lavin, Steve Hart, Max Licher and Walter Holmes. 2018. Screening hydrocarbon yields of sunflowers: Helianthus maximiliani and H. nuttallii (Asteraceae). Phytologia 100(2): 161-166.
Phytologia 100(1) Mar. 16, 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P. and A. K. TeBeest. 2018. Comparison of leaf hydrocarbon yields from commercial cotton, FiberMax 1320 treated with growth regulator (Stance®) vs. non-treated plants. Phytologia 100(1): 1-5.
Adams, R. P., Mauricio Ulloa, Travis Witt and John Burke. 2018. Comparison of hydrocarbon yields in four cotton from field grown accessions: dryland vs. irrigated. Phytologia 100(1): 6-11.
Thomas Mione, T., Segundo Leiva González and Leon Yacher. 2018. Red floral nectar that absorbs ultraviolet light is produced by a new Peruvian species, Jaltomata weigendiana (Solanaceae). Phytologia 100(1): 12-18.
*Adams, R. P., M. Socorro González-Elizondo, Martha González-Elizondo and Andrea E. Schwarzbach. 2018..The Juniperus flaccida-J. poblana complex revisited: insights from molecular and oil analysis. Phytologia 100(1): 19-26.
*Dean, E. A., M. Huerta and D. Brandon. 2018. Lycianthes glabripetala (Solanaceae) a New Species of series Strigulosae from Queretaro, Mexico. Phytologia 100(1): 27-36.
Adams, R. P., J. Frelichowski and L. L. Hinze and M. Ulloa. 2018 Survey of cotton (Gossypium sp.) for non-polar, extractable hydrocarbons for use as petrochemicals and liquid fuels. Phytologia 100(1): 37-44.
Adams, R. P., T. Mataraci and A. N. Tashev. 2018. The composition of the leaf essential oils of J. sabina var. balkanensis: chemotypes high in trans-sabinyl acetate and methyl eugenol discovered in three natural populations. Phytologia 100(1): 45-50.
*Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2018. Notes on the Morphology and Taxonomy of Micromyces (Synchytriaceae, Chytridiomycota), with special attention to M. longispinosus, M. grandis, M. furcatus and M. ovalis. Phytologia 100(1): 51-61.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, S. McNulty, W. H. Holmes, J. A. Bartel, M. Corbet, C. Parker, D. Thornburg and K. Cornish. 2018. Geographic variation in natural rubber yields in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 100(1): 62-70.
*Mathiasen, R. L., S. C. Kenaley and J. M. Scott. 2018. Arceuthobium microcarpum (Viscaceae): morphological evidence for continued species recognition and discrimination from Arceuthobium campylopodum. Phytologia 100(1): 71-90.
Wayne, E. R. and O. W. Van Auken. 2018. Photosynthetic Comparison of Carex planostachys (C3) and Aristida purpurea (C4) to Light and Water Manipulations. Phytologia 100(1): 91-103.
Davis, W. J. and M. J. Powell. 2018. Phylogenetic placement of Blastocladiopsis parva (Blastocladiomycota). Phytologia 100(1): 104-110.
Bartel, J. A. and R. P. Adams. 2018. Seed cone volume, a new methodology for a metric to differentiate Hesperocyparis (western cypress, Cupressaceae) taxa. Phytologia 100(1): 111-116.
Phytologia 99(4) Dec. 18, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W. and A. L. Ford. 2017. Flood caused changes to the Upper Guadalupe River Riparian Forests of Central Texas. Phytologia 99(4): 226-237.
Adams, R. P. and M. Corbet. 2017. Key for the identification of J. occidentalis and J. o. forma corbetii. Phytologia 99(4): 238-240.
*Dean, E. A., O. Hinojosa-Espinosa, D. McNair, R. T. Colín and Silvia H. Salas-Morales. 2017. Lycianthes textitlaniana, a New Species from Southern Mexico. Phytologia 99(4): 241-248.
Adams, R. P, A. Boratynski, M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, H. V. Leschner, T. Mataraci and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2017 Geographic variation in Juniperus drupacea: DNA sequencing and volatile leaf oils: Further evidence of putative Pleistocene genetic isolation between Europe and Asia. Phytologia 99(4): 249-257.
Phytologia 99(3) Aug. 8, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., M. Socorro Gonzalez-Elizondo and Martha Gonzalez-Elizondo. 2017. Re-examination of the volatile leaf oils of Juniperus flaccida, J. martinezii, and J. poblana. Phytologia 99(3):191-199.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, M. Ulloa, T. Witt, John Burke, J. Frelichowski and L. L. Hinze. 2017. Comparison of hydrocarbon yields in cotton from field grown vs. greenhouse grown plants. Phytologia 99(3): 200-207.
Van Auken, O. W. and D. L. Taylor. 2017. Using a Drone (UAV) to Determine the Acer grandidentatum (bigtooth maple) Density in a Relic, Isolated Community. Phytologia 99(3): 208-220.
*Seigler, D. S. and John E. Ebinger. 2017 A New Senegalia, (S. alexae, Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) from Panama, Brazil, and Peru. Phytologia 99(3): 221-225.
Phytologia 99(2) May 9, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Fishbein, M. 2017. Taxonomic Adjustments in North American Apocynaceae. Phytologia 99(2): 86-89.
Adams, R. P., T. Mataraci and J. A. Bartel. 2017. Comparison the leaf essential oils of Cupressus sempervirens cv. stricta cultivated in California and Turkey. Phytologia 99(2): 89-94.
Mathiasen, R. L. and S. C. Kenaley. 2017. Contrasting perspectives on the measurements and taxonomy of Arceuthobium (Viscaceae): a long standing controversy. Phytologia 99(2): 95-110.
*Vincent, M. A. and K. M. Butterworth. 2017. Trifolium hatschbachii (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae), a new species from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Phytologia 99(2): 111-115.
*Turner, B. L. 2017. Taxonomic status of Nama stevensii var. gypsicola (Hydrophyllaceae). Phytologia 99(2): 116-117.
McCauley, R. A., S. D. Allen, M. R. Breeden and M. I. Weber-Sauer. 2017. Pollination ecology of the newly described narrow endemic Ipomopsis ramosa (Polemoniaceae) in southwestern Colorado. Phytologia 99(2): 118-125.
*Ebinger, J. E. 2017. A New Senegalia (S. seigleri, Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) from Bahia, Brazil. Phytologia 99(2): 126-129.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, W. Holmes, J. A. Bartel, M. Corbet, C. Parker and D. Thornburg. 2017. Geographic variation in volatile leaf oils (terpenes) in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 99(2): 130-138.
*Franck, A. R. 2017. Notes on trifoliolate species of Galactia (Fabaceae) in Florida. Phytologia 99(2): 139-185.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, T. Meyeres and C. Bensch. 2017. Genetic and environmental influences on the yields of pentane extractable hydrocarbons of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 99(2): 186-190.
Phytologia 99(1) Jan 19, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, W. Holmes, J. A. Bartel, M. Corbet and D. Thornburg. 2017. Geographic variation in pentane extractable hydrocarbons in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 99(1): 1-9.
Nelson, T. L. and O. W. Van Auken. 2017. Seedling growth and leaf photosynthesis of Acer grandidentatum (Bigtooth maple, Sapindaceae) from isolated central Texas populations. Phytologia 99(1): 11-21.
Adams, R. P., A. Boratynski, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2017. Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P.
Adams and A. N. Tashev in southwestern Turkey. Phytologia 99(1): 22-31.
Adams, R. P. and A. K. TeBeest. 2017. The effects of different concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed germination of Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris Phytologia 99(1): 32-35.
*Turner, B. L. 2017. Legitimacy of the name Croton bigbendensis (Euphorbiaceae). Phytologia 99(1): 36-37
Adams, R. P. 2017. Multiple evidences of past evolution are hidden in nrDNA of Juniperus arizonica and J. coahuilensis populations in the trans-Pecos, Texas region. Phytologia 99(1): 38-47.
Adams, R. P., T. Mataraci, S. Gucel, and J. A. Bartel. 2017. Comparison of leaf essential oils of fastigiate (strict) and horizontal forms of Cupressus sempervirens from Cyprus, Montenegro, Turkey, and United States. Phytologia 99(1): 48-53.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, J. Frelichowski, L. L. Hinze, R. G. Percy, M. Ulloa and J. Burke. 2017. Survey of Cotton (Gossypium sp.) for non-polar, extractable hydrocarbons for use as petrochemical and liquid fuels. Phytologia 99(1): 54-61.
Adams, R. P., M. Socorro Gonzalez-Elizondo, Martha Gonzalez-Elizondo, David Ramirez Noy and Andrea E. Schwarzbach. 2017. DNA sequencing and taxonomy of unusual serrate Juniperus from Mexico: Chloroplast capture and incomplete lineage sorting in J. coahuilensis and allied taxa. Phytologia 99(1): 62-73.
*Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2017. The taxa of Dictyomorpha (Chytridiomycota, in praesens tempus). Phytologia 99(1): 74-82.
*Turner, B. L. 2017 Mandevilla torosa (Apocynaceae), treated as having two allopatric intergrading varieties in Mexico. Phytologia 99(1): 83-85.
Phytologia 98(4) Oct 6, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Davis, W. J., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2016. Triparticalcar equi is a new coprophilous species within Spizellomycetales, Chytridiomycota. p. 241-249.
Carver, S. T., M. A. Arnold, D. H. Byrne, R. D. Lineberger, A. R. King nad A. R. Armitage. 2016. Variation in Vegetative and Floral Characteristics of Potential Commercial Significance in Four Native Texas Coastal Species. p. 250-276.
Adams, R. P., M. Miller and C. Low. 2016. Inheritance of nrDNA in artificial hybrids of Hesperocyparis arizonica x H. macrocarpa. p. 277-283.
Turner, B. L. 2016. Taxonomy and distribution of Euphorbia stictospora (Euphorbiaceae). p. 284-287.
Turner, B. L. 2016. Addendum to Comps of Mexico, Vol 22, The genus Wyethia. p. 288-289.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, B. Vaverka and C. Bensch. 2016. Ontogenetic variation in pentane extractable hydrocarbons from Helianthus annuus. p. 290-297
Mohanty, R. P., M. A. Buchheim, R. Portman and E. Levetin. 2016. Molecular and ultrastructural detection of plastids in Juniperus (Cupressaceae) pollen. p. 298-310.
*Turner, B. L. 2016. Distribution of Euploca confertifolia (Boraginaceae), including it two varietal components. p. 311-312.
Plourd, K. C. and T. Mione. 2016. Pollination does not affect floral nectar production, and is required for fruit-set by a hummingbird-visited Andean plant species. p. 313-317.
Phytologia 98(3) July 6, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-97. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W. and Wendy J. Leonard. Mortality and growth of Chaptalia texana (silver-puff) in full sun and canopy shade. p. 156-163.
Adams, R. P. and D. Thornburg. A survey of percent-filled and empty seeds in multiple years observations of Juniperus arizonica and J. osteosperma. p. 164-169.
*Ward, D. B. Keys to the flora of Florida - 32, Zamia (Zamiaceae). p. 170-178.
Adams, R. P. Juniperus arizonica (R. P. Adams) R. P. Adams, new to Texas. p. 179-185.
Kuijt, J. Measurements and taxonomy in Arceuthobium (Viscaceae). p. 186-189.
Adams, R. P., M. S. Gonzalez-Elizondo, M. Gonzalez-Elizondo, J. Sirotnak and G. M. Ferguson. 2016. Geographic variation in the leaf essential oils of Hesperocyparis in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Mexico. p. 190-202.
*Staples, G. W. and J.-f. Butaud. A new endemic subspecies of Stictocardia (Convolvulaceae) from the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. p. 203-206.
Adams, R. P. and P. Oliveira. Comparison of intensely sweet volatile leaf oils of Lippia dulcis (Verbenaceae) with low and high camphor from Brazil and Mexico. p. 207-212.
Adams, R. P. and A. K. TeBeest. The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), Ethrel, seed soaking and pre-treatment storage temperatures on seed germination of Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris. p. 213-218.
*Adams, R. P. Two new cases of chloroplast capture in incongruent topologies in the Juniperus excelsa complex: J. excelsa var. turcomanica comb. nov. and J. excelsa var. seravschanica comb. nov. p. 219-231.
van Auken, O. W., D. L. Taylor and C. Shen. Diameter growth of Acer grandidentatum (Bigtooth maple) in isolated central Texas populations. p. 232-240.
Phytologia 98(2) April 4, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-97. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Turner, B. L.. Overview of Kallstroemia (Zygophyllaceae) in the USA and Mexico, and description of a new species: Kallstroemia porteri.
p. 89-99
*Adams, R. P., A. E. Schwarzbach and A. N. Tashev. Chloroplast capture by a new variety, Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev, from the Balkan peninsula: A putative stabilized relictual hybrid between J. sabina and ancestral J. thurifera. p. 100-111.
Adams, R. P. Geographical variation in the leaf volatile oils of Grindelia ciliata and G. adenodonta. p. 112-117.
*Kuijt, J. A nomenclatural note on Struthanthus acuminatus (Loranthaceae). p. 118.
Adams, R. P. A. M. Powell and S. Powell. Comparison of volatile oils of Juniperus coahuilensis in fresh seed cones vs. cones in fresh grey fox scat. p. 119-127
Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. Reconsideration of the inclusiveness of genus Plasmophagus (Chytridiomycota, posteris traditus) based on morphology. p. 128-136.
Turner, B. L.. Taxonomy and distribution of Euphorbia chaetocalyx, E. crepidata and E. fruticulosa (Euphorbiaceae). p. 137-141.
*Kuijt, J., J. Harrison and L. Harrison. A third endemic Dendrophthora (Viscaceae) from Cerro Jefe, Panama. p. 142-145.
Adams, R. P., M. Armagan, A. Boratynski, B. Douaihy, M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, V. Farzaliyev, S. Gucel, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev and A. E. Schwarzbach. Evidence of relictual introgression or incomplete lineage sorting in nrDNA of Juniperus excelsa and J. polycarpos in Asia Minor. p. 146-155.
Phytologia 98(1) Jan 5, 1, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-97. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., S. Gucel, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev, B. Douaihy and M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, V. Farzaliyev and A. E. Schwarzbach. Geographic variation in nrDNA and four cpDNA regions of Juniperus excelsa: Analysis of new records from Bulgaria, Cyprus and southwestern Turkey. p. 1-7.
Adams, R. P., A. Gilman, M. Hickler, B. Sheets and J. Vanderhorst. First molecular evidence that Juniperus communis var. communis from the eastern hemisphere is growing in the northeastern United States. p. 8-16.
Adams, R. P., M. M. Skopec and J. P. Muir. Comparison of leaf terpenoids and tannins in Juniperus osteosperma from woodrat (Neotoma lepida) browsed and non-browsed trees. p. 17-25.
*Turner, B. L. Melampodium elottianum (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) A new species from along the Rio Cuixmala, Jalisco. p. 26-29.
Adams, R. P., A. Tebeest, W. Holmes and N. Taylor. Survey of non-polar extractables (bio-crude) from Grindelia ciliata (Nuttall) Sprengel. p. 30-36.
Adams, R. P. and Asako Matsumoto. Inheritance of nrDNA in artificial hybrids of Cryptomeria japonica cv. Haara and C. japonica cv. Kumotoshi. p. 37-41.
Riefner, R. E., Jr. Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae) naturalized in Southern California, U. S. A.: Linking plant, pollinator, and suitable microhabitats to document the invasion process. 42-75.
van Auken, O. W. and W. J. Leonard. Why is Verbesina virginica (Frostweed, Asteraceae) not found in grasslands? p. 76-88.
Phytologia 97(4) Oct 1, 2015 (scroll down for Vols. 88-96. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Bush, J. K. and O. W. Van Auken. Comparison of a Managed and Unmanaged Quercus stellata (post oak) Community. p. 252-264.
Adams, R. P. and M. Corbet. Geographic variation in the volatile leaf oil of Juniperus occidentalis. II. Analysis from throughout its geographic range. p. 265-270.
*Callahan, F. C. A New Subspecies of Chlorogalum from Jackson County, Oregon, and adjacent Siskiyou County, California: C. pomeridianum (de Candolle) Kunth ssp. austrooreganum Callahan. p. 271-274.
*Callahan, F. C. Two New Subspecies of Calochortus umpquaensis from Southwestern Oregon: C. umpquaensis Fredricks ssp. confertus Callahan and C. umpquaensis Fredericks ssp. flavicomus Callahan. p. 275-281.
*Callahan, F. C. A New Species of Calochortus from Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California: C. rustvoldii Callahan. p. 282-285.
Adams, R. P. et al. nrDNA and petN-psbM sequencing reveals putative Juniperus oxycedrus L. from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Israel to be J. deltoides R. P. Adams. p. 286-290.
*Seigler, D. S., J. E. Ebinger and C. Glass. A second attempt for validation of the names Senegalia x turneri, S. x zamudii, and Vachellia x ziggyi. p. 291-292.
Phytologia 97(3) July 1, 2015 (scroll down for Vols. 88-96. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Adams, R. P. and A. E. Schwarzbach. A new, flaccid, decurrent leaf variety of Juniperus poblana from Mexico:
J. poblana var. decurrens R. P. Adams. p. 152-163.
Adams, R. P., S. Carver and M. Arnold. Comprehensive analysis of leaf volatile oil of Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC
and preliminary analysis of variation along the Texas gulf coast. p. 164-169.
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. Vachellia x ruthvenii (V. bravoensis x V. rigidula) (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) in
Texas. p. 170-174.
*Turner, B. L. Taxonomy of the Phacelia infundibuliformis complex (Hydrophyllaceae). p. 175-178.
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. Clarification of Acacia multipinnata, A. paniculata, A. scandens and A. tenuifolia p. 179-186.
Adams, R. P. Allopatric hybridization and introgression between Juniperus maritima R. P. Adams and J. scopulorum Sarg. II.
Additional Evidence from nuclear and cpDNA genes in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah. p. 189-199.
Mathiasen, R. L. and S. C. Kenaley. A morphometric analysis of Arceuthobium campylopodum, A. laricis, and A. tsugense
(Viscaceae). p. 200-218.
*Staples, G. W., M. T. Buril, A. R. Simões, and R. Govaerts. Nomenclatural corrections in Convolvulaceae diversae. p. 219-223.
*Seigler, D. S., J. E. Ebinger and C. Glass. Validation of the name Senegalia x turneri. p. 224-225.
*B. L. Turner. Taxonomy of Chamaesaracha (Solanaceae). p. 226-245.
*J. Kuijt. New synonyms and comments on Phoradendron (Viscaceae) p. 246-251.
Phytologia 97(2) April 1, 2015 Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. A review and update of the genus Sapromyces (Straminipila: Oomycota). p. 82 - 93.
Adams, R. P. and R. E. Riefner, Jr. Geographic variation in the leaf essential oils of Juniperus grandis (Cupressaceae) III. San Gabriel Mtns.
population. p. 94-102.
Grunstra, M. B. and O. W. van Auken. Photosynthetic characteristics of Garrya ovata Benth. (Lindheimer’s silktassle, Garryaceae) at ambient
and elevated levels of light, CO2 and temperature. p. 103-119.
*Turner, B. L. New Names for the Texas Taxa of Acacia (Fabaceae). p. 120-122.
Adams, R. P., M. Rhanem and A. E. Schwarzbach. Juniperus communis in Morocco: analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA regions. p. 123-128.
Thornburg, D. and R. P. Adams. A photographic essay on the development of seed cones in Juniperus arizonica. p. 129-131.
*Turner, B. L. Hymenopappus carrii (Asteraceae: Helenieae), a new species frrm the gulf coastal prairie of south-central Texas. p. 132-136.
*Kuijt, J. Lectotypification of Viscum latifolium Lamarck. p. 137-138.
*Kuijt, J., J. Harrison and L. Harrison. Endemism in two new species of Dendrophthora (Viscaceae) from Cerro Jefe, Panama. p. 139-144.
Adams, R. P. and T. A. Zanoni. The volatile leaf oils of Juniperus flaccida Schltdl., J. martinezii Perez de la Rosa and J. poblana (Mart.) R. P.
Adams, re-examined. p. 145-151.
Phytologia 97(1) Jan. 2, 2015 Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., M. Kauffmann and F. Callahan. The leaf essential oil of Abies grandis (Doug. ex
D. Don) Lindl. (Pinaceae): revisited 38 years later. p. 1-5.
Adams, R. P., V. Farzaliyev, A. N. Tashev and A. E. Schwarzbach. Juniperus communis f.
pygmaea in Azerbaijan: analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA regions. p. 6-11.
*Turner, B. L. Taxonomic study of the Tithonia calva complex (Asteraceae, Heliantheae).
p. 12-15.
*Turner, B. L. Recension of Viguiera (sensu stricto) (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) of Mexico. p. 16-24.
*Turner, B. L. Three new species of Stevia (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae) from northern Mexico.
p. 25-31.
Van Auken, O. W. and J. K. Bush. Gas exchange rates for Chaptalia texana (silver-puff, Asteraceae) An herbaceous understory species.
p. 32-44.
Adams, R. P., G. M. Ferguson and David Thornburg. First comprehensive report on the composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus
arizonica Engelm. and P. ponderosa var. brachyptera Engelm. p. 45-50.
*Kuijt, J., J. Harrison and L. Harrison. Oryctanthus callicarpus, a replacement for Mesoamerican O. occidentalis (Loranthaceae). p. 51-54.
Adams, R. P. Allopatric hybridization and introgression between Juniperus maritima R. P. Adams and J. scopulorum Sarg.: Evidence from
nuclear and cpDNA and leaf terpenoids. p. 55-66.
Terry, R. G. and R. P. Adams. A molecular re-examination of phylogenetic relationships among Juniperus, Cupressus, and the
Hesperocyparis-Callitropsis-Xanthocyparis clades of Cupressaceae. p. 67-75.
Adams, R. P., T. A. Fairhall, G. Hunter and C. Parker. First comprehensive report on the composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus
contorta vars. contorta, latifolia and murrayana. p. 76-81.
Kelley, J. M. 2024. Notes on the pubescence of Zornia bracteata with description of a new form. Phytologia 106(4): 47-50.
*Davison, P. G., J. M. Ray and C. A. Davison. 2024. Sommerstorffia pugioniformis sp. nov: A new species of rotifer-trapping oomycete discovered using a novel baiting technique. Phytologia 106(4): 51-67.
Van Auken, O. W. and C. D. Terrell. 2024. Herbivore effects on growth and survival of juvenile Damianita plants (Chrysactina mexicana, Compositae/Asteraceae). Phytologia 106(4): 68-77.
Phytologia 106(3), September 23, 2024 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Singhurst, J. R., C. Ruthven and B. Larkin. 2024. Ranunculus flabellaris (Ranunculaceae) new to the flora of Texas. Phytologia 106(3): 39-42.
Cobb, C. M and J. M. Kelly. 2024. Stylisma patens (Convolvulaceae) documented in the West Gulf Coastal Plain of Louisiana. Phytologia 106(3): 43-46.
Phytologia 106(2), June 20, 2024 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Enríquez-de-Salamanca, Á. 2024. Typification and distribution of two hybrids of Juniperus communis L. Phytologia 106(2): 13-32.
Wilson, T. M., S. S. Ingram and R. E. Carlson. 2024. Volatile compound profile of Osmorhiza occidentalis Torr. (Apiaceae) root essential oil. Phytologia 106(2): 33-38.
Phytologia 106(1), March 20, 2024 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Kelley, J. M. 2024. Status of Marshallia caespitosa in Louisiana and deletion of var. signata. Phytologia 106(1): 1-6.
*Mione, T., S. Leiva González and L. Yacher. 2024. Red-orange floral nectar is the most outstanding feature of Jaltomata amazona (Solanaceae), a new nightshade from Department Amazonas, Peru. Phytologia 106(1): 7-12.
Phytologia 105(3), December 21, 2023 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Nelson, A. D., B. O'Neal, K. Waddell, J. Herrera, C. O'Neal and K. Carroll. 2023. Calcareous prairie vegetation of Smith Prairie in Cleburne, Texas. Phytologia 105(3): 71-83.
Adkins, J. S. and O. W. Van Auken. 2023. Survival and mortality of protected and non-protected Juniperus ashei seedlings in Central Texas juniper/live oak woodlands. Phytologia 105(3): 84-90.
Phytologia 105(2), June 21, 2023 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Nelson, A. D. and J. Stanford. 2023. Penstemon albidus (Plantaginaceae) in the Lampasas Cut Plain Ecoregion of Texas. Phytologia 105(2): 25-28.
Seigler, D. S., J. E. Ebinger, V. C. Hollowell and C. W. Riggins. 2023. Revision of the genus Mariosousa (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) in the New World. Phytologia 105(2): 29-67.
Kelley, J. M. 2023. A historical collection of Osmorhiza claytonii (Apiaceae) from Louisiana. Phytologia 105(2): 68-70.
Phytologia 105(1), March 21, 2023 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Nelson, A. D., R. Rosiere, T. Cotton, S. Brown and D. Cosby. 2023. Near-riparian vegetation of the Colorado River at Colorado Bend State Park and Regency, Texas. Phytologia 105(1): 1-14.
Kelley, J. M. 2023. Rudbeckia grandiflora var. alismifolia (Asteraceae) in Oklahoma. Phytologia 105(1): 15-17.
Ruggles, Z., T. M. Wilson, A. Abad and C. Packer. 2023. Picea pungens (Pinaceae) branch and trunk wood essential oil profile comparison from cultivated trees in northern Idaho (USA). Phytologia 105(1): 18-24.
Phytologia 104(4), December 21, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
O'Neal, B. K., A. D. Nelson and C. J. O'Neal. 2022. Quantifying the vegetative community of a bottomland-floodplain forest within Colorado Bend State Park along the Colorado River. Phytologia 104(4): 49-65.
Ruggles, Z, T. M. Wilson, A. Abad and C. Walker. 2022. Trunk wood essential oil profile comparison of Abies concolor (Pinaceae) and Abies grandis (Pinaceae) from northern Idaho (USA). Phytologia 104(4): 66-73.
Phytologia 104(3), September 20, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W., D. L. Taylor, J. K. Bush and J. R. Singhurst. 2022. Isolated deciduous woodlands in central Texas. Phytologia 104(3): 13-23.
Kelley, J. M. 2022. Symphyotrichum ericoides (Asteraceae) in Louisiana. Phytologia 104(3): 24-26.
*Grande Allende, J. R. 2022. Sertulum Ternstroemiacearum, V. Taxonomy of the Ternstroemia dentata complex, including one new species. Phytologia 104(3): 27-39.
Kelley, J. M. 2022. A new color form of Helianthus angustifolius. Phytologia 104(3): 40-44.
White, M., J. R. Singhurst and W. C. Holmes. 2022. Quercus prinoides (Fagaceae): a New Oak for the Texas Flora. Phytologia 104(3): 45-48.
Phytologia 104(2), June 21, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
O’Kane, S. L. and K. D. Heil. 2022. Descurainia kenheilii (Brassicaceae): Revised description and new records from Colorado.
Phytologia 104(2): 4-7.
Hoagland, B., D. Arbour and B. D. Smith. 2022. New to Oklahoma: Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae). Phytologia 104(2): 8-9.
*Halse, R. R. and C. Feuillet. 2022. A new combination in Heliotropium (Boraginales: Heliotropiaceae). Phytologia 104(2): 10.
Kelley, J. M. and J. Hamsher. 2022. Phelipanche ramosa (Orobanchaceae) in Louisiana. Phytologia 104(2): 11-12.
Phytologia 104(1), March 22, 2022 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Singhurst, J. R., W. C. Holmes, E. Keith, L. Wise and C. McKee. 2022. Yucca cernua (Agavaceae) - New to the Louisiana Flora. Phytologia 104(1): 1-3.
Phytologia 103(4), December 22, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Singhurst, J. R. and W. C. Holmes. 2021. Matelea baldwyniana (Asclepiadaceae*) new to the Texas flora. Phytologia 103(4): 86-89.
*Brinda, J. C., J. A. Jáuregui-Lazo, M. J. Oliver and B. D. Mishler. 2021. Notes on the genus Syntrichia with a revised infrageneric classification and the recognition of a new genus Syntrichiadelphus (Bryophyta, Pottiaceae). Phytologia 103(4): 90-103.
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. 2021. A new combination in Senegalia (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Phytologia 103(4): 104-105.
Wilson, T. M., A. Poulson, C. Packer, R. E. Carlson, R. Davis, M. G. Dey, N.M. Owen, S. W. Smalley, R. Dodge, G. Zahn, A. Baadsgaard and M.T. Stevens. 2021. Essential oil, insect, and microbe relationships in Juniperus osteosperma (Cupressaceae) trees killed by wildfire. Phytologia 103(4): 106-118.
Phytologia 103(3), September 27, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. 2021. A new species of Mariosousa (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) from Northwestern Mexico. Phytologia 103(3): 69-72.
Nelson, A. D., R. Rosiere, K. Gamez, T. Cotton, S. Brown, and M. Sheik. 2021. Near riparian vegetation on the Colorado River at Timberlake Biological Station in the Lampasas Cut Plain of Texas. Phytologia 103(3): 73-85.
Phytologia 103(2), June 21, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W. 2021. Photosynthesis of Ptelea trifoliata L. the common hop tree (Rutaceae, rue family) in Central Texas woodlands. Phytologia 103(2): 18-28.
Franck, A. R., G. D. Gann, J. Sadle, and A. Farid. 2021. Sharpening plant taxonomy in South Florida: Baccharis and Melanthera (Asteraceae), Borreria and Chiococca (Rubiaceae), and Lantana (Verbenaceae). Phytologia 103(2): 29-68.
Phytologia 103(1), March 22, 2021 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Davis, W. J., J. Bailey, and M. Anthonisen. 2021. Synchytrium eremocaryae, eremocarpae, or eremocarpi? - A case study of the intersection of taxonomy, nomenclature, and community science. Phytologia 103(1): 1-4.
Blackwell, W. H. and M. J. Powell. 2021. A review of genus Megachytrium Sparrow (Chytridiomycota) and its primary host Elodea canadensis (Monocotyledoneae, Hydrocharitaceae). Phytologia 103(1): 5-9.
Poulson, A., T. M. Wilson, C. Packer, R. E. Carlson, and R. M. Buch. 2021. Aromatic profiles of trunk, limb, and leaf essential oils of Juniperus scopulorum (Cupressaceae) from Utah. Phytologia 103(1): 10-17.
Phytologia 102(3), Sept. 21, 2020 (scroll down for Vols from present to Vol. 88 For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99 (above). Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, J. Anderson, K. Rushforth, N. Valentin and S. Sijak-Yakovlev. 2020. Nuclear and chloroplast DNAs reveal diverse origins of J. chinensis cultivars from Windsor Gardens, UK. Part 2 of 3. Phytologia 102(3): 106-115.
*Hershkovitz, M. A. 2020 Rumicastrum Ulbrich (Montiaceae): a beautiful name for the Australian calandrinias. Phytologia 102(3): 116-123.
Adams, R. P., A. N. Tashev and N. Tashev. 2020. The leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus heldreichii Christ from Bulgaria and comparisons with Greece and Montenegro-Serbia oils, and P. leucodermis oil, Italy. Phytologia 102(3): 124-130.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, R. D. Worthington and G. M. Ferguson. 2020. Hybridization between serrate leaf Juniperus monosperma and smooth leaf J. scopulorum in the Guadalupe Mountains, NM, USA: evidence from DNA sequencing and leaf essential oils. Phytologia 102(3): 131-142.
Adams, R. P., F, Pena, E. Wilcox and B. Scow. 2020. The effects extreme alkaline soil on biomass and hydrocarbon yields in Helianthus annuus cv. Munchkin, Firecracker and Little Becka (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 102(3): 143-149.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, J. Anderson, K. Rushforth, N. Valentin, A. E. Schwarzbach and S. Sijak-Yakovlev. 2020. Nuclear and chloroplast DNAs reveal diverse origins and mis-identifications of Juniperus cultivars from Windsor Gardens, UK, Part 3 of 3. Phytologia 102(3): 150-161.
Van Auken, O. W., J. K. Bush and H. Escobar. 2020. Do gas exchange rates of Phaseolus texensis (Boerne Bean, Leguminosae) reflect its potential niche? Phytologia 102(3): 162-171.
*Wipff, J. K. 2020. New combinations in Dichanthelium (Poaceae) Phytologia 102(3): 172-176.
*Ufimov, R. A. and T. A. Dickinson. 2020. Infrageneric nomenclature adjustments in Crataegus L. (Maleae, Rosaceae). Phytologia 102(3): 177-199.
Poulson, A, T. M. Wilson, C. Packer, R. E. Carlson and R. M. Buch. 2020.Essential oils of trunk, limbs, needles and seed cones of Pinus edulis (Pinaceae) from Utah. Phytologia 102(3): 200-207.
*Singhurst, J. R., J. Mark Egger, J. N. Mink and W. C. Holmes. 2020. Castilleja halophila (Orobanchaceae): A new species from the Texas Coastal Bend. Phytologia 102(3): 208-218.
Phytologia 102(2), June 24, 2020 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W., J. K. Bush, D. L. Taylor and J. R. Singhurst. 2020. Examining ecological characteristics of populations of Acer grandidentatum Nutt. (Aceraceae, bigtooth maple) in Central Texas. Phytologia 102(2): 27-40
Adams, R. P. and K-S Mao. 2020. The composition of the volatile leaf oils (terpenoids) of Cupressus chengiana. Phytologia 102(2): 41-54.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2020. Long distance gene flow facilitated by bird-dispersed seeds in wind-pollinated species: A story of hybridization and introgression between Juniperus ashei and J. ovata told by nrDNA and cpDNA. Phytologia 102(2): 55-74
*Blackwell, W. H. and M. J. Powell. 2020. Taxonomy and morphology of Macrochytrium (Chytridiomycota). Phytologia 102(2): 75-82.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, C. S. Mendias and J. Altarejos. 2020. Hybridization and introgression between Juniperus communis var. saxatilis and var. hemispherica in the Sierra de Baza Mountains, Spain. Phytologia 102(2): 83-87.
R. P. Adams, A. Averett, T. Ayers, F. Barrie, M. Blackwell, W. H. Blackwell, M. W. Bierner, K. Clary, P. G. Delprete, W. Elisens, D. Irwin, M. Lavin, D. Northington, R. Olmstead, M. Powell, S. P. Rankin, P. H. Raven, H. Robinson, R. Scott, J. L. Strother, T. F. Stuessy, S. Tomb, B. L. Turner II, M. Warnock Turner, J. Walker and G. Yatskievych. 2020. Obituary and Tribute to Billie L. Turner: Botanist, Teacher, Mentor, Philosopher, Friend. Phytologia 102(2): 88-105.
Phytologia 102(1), March 22, 2020 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Pétala Gomes Ribeiro, P. G. D. S. Seigler and J. E. Ebinger. 2020. New combination and new synonymy in Piptadenia (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Phytologia 102(1): 1-4.
*Blackwell, W. H. and M. J. Powell. 2020. A nomenclatural and systematic note on the genus Myiophagus (ex Chytridiomycota). Phytologia 102(1): 5-8.
Adams, R. P. and M. Espeut. 2020. Hybridization and introgression between Juniperus communis var. saxatilis and var. hemispherica in the Pyrenees Mountains, France. Phytologia 102(1): 9-13.
Adams, R. P. M. Socorro González-Elizondo and George M. Ferguson. 2020. Allopatric hybridization and introgression between Juniperus scopulorum Sarg. and Juniperus blancoi Mart. in northern Mexico: Unidirectional gene flow. Phytologia 102(1): 14-26.
Phytologia 101(4), Dec 21, 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson and G. J. Seiler. Screening hydrocarbon yields of sunflowers: Helianthus maximiliani, H. grosseserratus H. nuttallii, and H. tuberosus in the North Dakota-Minnesota-South Dakota area. Phytologia 101(4): 208-217.
Dorn, R. D. 2019. Populus acuminata Rydb., hybrid or hybrid-derived species? Phytologia 101(4):
*Mavarez, J. and M. T. Becerra. 2019. Taxonomic novelties in páramo plants. Espeletia ramosa (Asteraceae), a new species from Colombia. Phytologia 101(4): 222-230.
Engelken, S. E., J. T. Jackson and O.W. Van Auken. 2019. Changes in Growth of Aristida purpurea Steud. (C4, Poaceae, Fender’s three awn) in the Presence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi and/or Solenopsis invicta Buren (red imported fire ant). Phytologia 101(4): 231-252.
Phytologia 101(3), Sept 21, 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Powell, M. J., P. M. Lecher, W. J. Davis, R. B. Holland and C. G. Velez. 2019. Rodmanochytrium is a new genus of chitinophylic chytrids (Chytridiales). Phytologia 101(3): 175-187.
Wilson, T. M., A. Poulson, C. Packer, J. Marshall, R. Carlson, and R. M. Buch. 2019. Essential oils of whole tree, trunk, limbs and leaves of Juniperus osteosperma from Utah. Phytologia 101(3): 188-193.
Johnson, S. T., S. Theobald and R. P. Adams. 2019. The effects of plant growth regulator (methyl jasmonate), salt (NaCl) stress and nutrient deficiency on biomass and hydrocarbon yields in Helianthus annuus cv. Munchkin (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 101(3): 194-199.
Adams, R. P. and V. Farzaliyev . 2019 Composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus eldarica Medw. from Azerbaijan compared with P. brutia Ten. leaf essential oil. Phytologia 101(3): 200-207.
Phytologia 101(2), June 21, 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Gaddy, L. L., T. H. Carter, B. Ely, S. Sakaguchi, A. Matsuo and Y. Suyama. 2019. Shortia brevistyla (Diaspensiaceae), comb. et stat. Nov., A narrow endemic from the headwaters of the Catawba River in North Carolina, U. S. A. Phytologia 101(2):113-119.
Adams, R. P. and A. N. Tashev. 2019. Mass Spectral identification and quantitation of Single Ion Chromatography of unresolved limonene, sylvestrene and β-phellandrene in the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus peuce (Bulgaria) and comparison with oils from other regions. Phytologia 101(2):120-130.
*Keil, D. J. 2019. Trifolium albopurpureum var. columbinum (Fabaceae), a New Combination for a California Clover Phytologia 101(2):131-133.
Adams, R. P. 2019. Inheritance of chloroplasts and mitochondria in Conifers: A review of paternal, maternal, leakage and facultative inheritance. Phytologia 101(2): 134-138.
*Powell, M. J., P. M. Letcher, W. J. Davis, E. Lefèvre, M. Brooks and J. E. Longcore. 2019. Taxonomic summary of Rhizoclosmatium and description of four new Rhizoclosmatium species (Chytriomycetaceae, Chytridiales). Phytologia 101(2): 139-163.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, J. Anderson, K. Rushforth, P. Farhat, N. Valentin and Sonja Siljak-Yakovlev. 2019. The origin of Juniperus xpfitzeriana, an allo-tetraploid hybrid of J. chinensis x J. sabina. Phytologia 101(2): 164-174.
Phytologia 101(1) 21 March., 2019 (scroll down for Vols. present - 88. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-99, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2019. Review of Nucleophaga (a primitive, ‘cryptomycotan’ genus): Summary of named and unnamed species, with discussion of contemporary and historical observations. Phytologia 101(1):1-18.
Adams, R. P. and S. T. Johnson. 2019. The effects of plant growth regulators on the growth and yields of hydrocarbons in Helianthus annuus cv. Munchkin (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 101(1): 19-24.
Rice, B. A. 2019. The genus Drosera L. (Droseraceae) in the western USA. Phytologia 101(1): 25-37.
Adams, R. P., F. Bartolucci, F. Conti, L. Di Martino, T. Mataraci and A. N. Tashev. 2019. The composition of the leaf essential oils of J. sabina var. balkanensis: comparison between oils from central Italy with oils from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. Phytologia 101(1): 38-45.
Grunstra, M. B. and O. W. Van Auken. 2019. Correcting a Previously Published Error in Soil Salinity Comparisons Reported from a West Texas Salt Marsh. Phytologia 101(1): 46-57.
Adams, R. P., S. T. Johnson, M. Miller, C. Low and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2019. Inheritance of single copy nuclear genes (SCNGs) in artificial hybrids of Hesperocyparis arizonica x H. macrocarpa: Potential for utilization in the detection of hybridization in natural populations. Phytologia 101(1): 58-66.
Hojjati, F. 2019. Palynology of different populations of Juniperus polycarpos complex in Iran. Phytologia 101(1): 67-73.
Adams, R. P. and A. N. Tashev. 2019. Composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus mugo Turra from Bulgaria. Phytologia 101(1): 74-80.
Adams, R. P. and A. N. Tashev. 2019. Composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus mugo Turra from Bulgaria. Phytologia 101(1): 74-80.
Riefner, R. E., Jr. and A. R. Smith. New and Noteworthy Epiphytic Ferns from the Urban Forests of Coastal Southern California, U.S.A. Phytologia 101(1): 81-112.
Phytologia 100(4) 21 Dec., 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P. and S. T. Johnson. 2018. The effects growth regulators on the growth and yields of hydrocarbons in Cotton (Gossypium). Phytologia 100(4): 195-198.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, M. Ulloa, T. Witt, J. Burke, B. Scow, J. Frelichowski and L. L. Hinze. 2018. Comparison of hydrocarbon yields in SA-2269 cotton grown in four test plots in Texas and Utah. Phytologia 100(4): 199-204.
Muñoz-Reinoso, J. C. 2018. Advantages of being a monoecious juniper. Phytologia 100(4): 205 -207.
Hershkovitz, M. 2018. Cistanthe philhershkovitziana (Montiaceae) a remarkable annual species of Cistanthe sect. Cistanthe from Chile. Phytologia 100(4): 208-221.
Rushforth, K. 2018. The Whitebeam problem, and a solution. Phytologia 100(4): 222-247.
Adams, R. P. 2018. Evolution of dioecious/ monecious taxa in Juniperus, contrasted with Cupressus, Hesperocyparis, Callitropsis and Xanthocyparis (Cupressaceae). Phytologia 100(4): 248-255.
Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. New Combinations in Parasenegallia and Mariosousa (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Phytologia 100(4): 256-259.
Phytologia 100(3) 22 Sept., 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Bush, J. K. and O. W. Van Auken. 2018. Comparison of mortality of Quercus stellata (post oak) after a Central Texas drought. Phytologia 100(3): 167-176.
Adams, R. P. and S. T. Johnson. 2018. The effects of methyl jasmonate on the growth and yields of hydrocarbons in Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 100(3): 177-182.
Steponaitis, M. C. and T. Mione. 2018. Feather-tipped Forceps: A method for handling fragile organisms. Phytologia 100(3): 183-186.
Adams, R. P., P. Farhat, L. Shuka and S. Silak-Yakovlev. 2018. Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev in Albania and relictual polymorphisms found in nrDNA. Phytologia 100(3): 187-194.
Phytologia 100(2) 22 June, 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Adams, R. P., A. Boratynski, K. Marcysiak, F. Roma-Marzio, L. Peruzzi, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev and S. Siljak-Yakovlev. 2018. Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams & Tashev in Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Central and Southern Italy and relictual polymorphisms found in nrDNA. Phytologia 100(2): 117-127.
Nelson, A. D., R. Rosiere, K. Gamez and K. Lowey. 2018. Composition of a Bottomland Forest on the Colorado River in the Lampasas Cut Plain of Texas. Phytologia 100(2): 128-144.
Adams, R. P., S. Johnson, A. J. Coombes and L. Camaño, M. Socorro González-Elizondo, Martha González-Elizondo. 2018. Preliminary examination of hybridization and introgression between Juniperus flaccida and J. poblana: nrDNA and cpDNA sequence data. Phytologia 100(2): 145-152.
Adams, R. P., Matt Lavin and Gerald P. Seiler. 2018. Geographic variation in hexane extractable hydrocarbons in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers) II. Phytologia 100(2): 153-160.
Adams, R. P., Matt Lavin, Steve Hart, Max Licher and Walter Holmes. 2018. Screening hydrocarbon yields of sunflowers: Helianthus maximiliani and H. nuttallii (Asteraceae). Phytologia 100(2): 161-166.
Phytologia 100(1) Mar. 16, 2018 (scroll down for Vols. 88-99. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P. and A. K. TeBeest. 2018. Comparison of leaf hydrocarbon yields from commercial cotton, FiberMax 1320 treated with growth regulator (Stance®) vs. non-treated plants. Phytologia 100(1): 1-5.
Adams, R. P., Mauricio Ulloa, Travis Witt and John Burke. 2018. Comparison of hydrocarbon yields in four cotton from field grown accessions: dryland vs. irrigated. Phytologia 100(1): 6-11.
Thomas Mione, T., Segundo Leiva González and Leon Yacher. 2018. Red floral nectar that absorbs ultraviolet light is produced by a new Peruvian species, Jaltomata weigendiana (Solanaceae). Phytologia 100(1): 12-18.
*Adams, R. P., M. Socorro González-Elizondo, Martha González-Elizondo and Andrea E. Schwarzbach. 2018..The Juniperus flaccida-J. poblana complex revisited: insights from molecular and oil analysis. Phytologia 100(1): 19-26.
*Dean, E. A., M. Huerta and D. Brandon. 2018. Lycianthes glabripetala (Solanaceae) a New Species of series Strigulosae from Queretaro, Mexico. Phytologia 100(1): 27-36.
Adams, R. P., J. Frelichowski and L. L. Hinze and M. Ulloa. 2018 Survey of cotton (Gossypium sp.) for non-polar, extractable hydrocarbons for use as petrochemicals and liquid fuels. Phytologia 100(1): 37-44.
Adams, R. P., T. Mataraci and A. N. Tashev. 2018. The composition of the leaf essential oils of J. sabina var. balkanensis: chemotypes high in trans-sabinyl acetate and methyl eugenol discovered in three natural populations. Phytologia 100(1): 45-50.
*Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2018. Notes on the Morphology and Taxonomy of Micromyces (Synchytriaceae, Chytridiomycota), with special attention to M. longispinosus, M. grandis, M. furcatus and M. ovalis. Phytologia 100(1): 51-61.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, S. McNulty, W. H. Holmes, J. A. Bartel, M. Corbet, C. Parker, D. Thornburg and K. Cornish. 2018. Geographic variation in natural rubber yields in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 100(1): 62-70.
*Mathiasen, R. L., S. C. Kenaley and J. M. Scott. 2018. Arceuthobium microcarpum (Viscaceae): morphological evidence for continued species recognition and discrimination from Arceuthobium campylopodum. Phytologia 100(1): 71-90.
Wayne, E. R. and O. W. Van Auken. 2018. Photosynthetic Comparison of Carex planostachys (C3) and Aristida purpurea (C4) to Light and Water Manipulations. Phytologia 100(1): 91-103.
Davis, W. J. and M. J. Powell. 2018. Phylogenetic placement of Blastocladiopsis parva (Blastocladiomycota). Phytologia 100(1): 104-110.
Bartel, J. A. and R. P. Adams. 2018. Seed cone volume, a new methodology for a metric to differentiate Hesperocyparis (western cypress, Cupressaceae) taxa. Phytologia 100(1): 111-116.
Phytologia 99(4) Dec. 18, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W. and A. L. Ford. 2017. Flood caused changes to the Upper Guadalupe River Riparian Forests of Central Texas. Phytologia 99(4): 226-237.
Adams, R. P. and M. Corbet. 2017. Key for the identification of J. occidentalis and J. o. forma corbetii. Phytologia 99(4): 238-240.
*Dean, E. A., O. Hinojosa-Espinosa, D. McNair, R. T. Colín and Silvia H. Salas-Morales. 2017. Lycianthes textitlaniana, a New Species from Southern Mexico. Phytologia 99(4): 241-248.
Adams, R. P, A. Boratynski, M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, H. V. Leschner, T. Mataraci and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2017 Geographic variation in Juniperus drupacea: DNA sequencing and volatile leaf oils: Further evidence of putative Pleistocene genetic isolation between Europe and Asia. Phytologia 99(4): 249-257.
Phytologia 99(3) Aug. 8, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For even older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., M. Socorro Gonzalez-Elizondo and Martha Gonzalez-Elizondo. 2017. Re-examination of the volatile leaf oils of Juniperus flaccida, J. martinezii, and J. poblana. Phytologia 99(3):191-199.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, M. Ulloa, T. Witt, John Burke, J. Frelichowski and L. L. Hinze. 2017. Comparison of hydrocarbon yields in cotton from field grown vs. greenhouse grown plants. Phytologia 99(3): 200-207.
Van Auken, O. W. and D. L. Taylor. 2017. Using a Drone (UAV) to Determine the Acer grandidentatum (bigtooth maple) Density in a Relic, Isolated Community. Phytologia 99(3): 208-220.
*Seigler, D. S. and John E. Ebinger. 2017 A New Senegalia, (S. alexae, Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) from Panama, Brazil, and Peru. Phytologia 99(3): 221-225.
Phytologia 99(2) May 9, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Fishbein, M. 2017. Taxonomic Adjustments in North American Apocynaceae. Phytologia 99(2): 86-89.
Adams, R. P., T. Mataraci and J. A. Bartel. 2017. Comparison the leaf essential oils of Cupressus sempervirens cv. stricta cultivated in California and Turkey. Phytologia 99(2): 89-94.
Mathiasen, R. L. and S. C. Kenaley. 2017. Contrasting perspectives on the measurements and taxonomy of Arceuthobium (Viscaceae): a long standing controversy. Phytologia 99(2): 95-110.
*Vincent, M. A. and K. M. Butterworth. 2017. Trifolium hatschbachii (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae), a new species from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Phytologia 99(2): 111-115.
*Turner, B. L. 2017. Taxonomic status of Nama stevensii var. gypsicola (Hydrophyllaceae). Phytologia 99(2): 116-117.
McCauley, R. A., S. D. Allen, M. R. Breeden and M. I. Weber-Sauer. 2017. Pollination ecology of the newly described narrow endemic Ipomopsis ramosa (Polemoniaceae) in southwestern Colorado. Phytologia 99(2): 118-125.
*Ebinger, J. E. 2017. A New Senegalia (S. seigleri, Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) from Bahia, Brazil. Phytologia 99(2): 126-129.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, W. Holmes, J. A. Bartel, M. Corbet, C. Parker and D. Thornburg. 2017. Geographic variation in volatile leaf oils (terpenes) in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 99(2): 130-138.
*Franck, A. R. 2017. Notes on trifoliolate species of Galactia (Fabaceae) in Florida. Phytologia 99(2): 139-185.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, T. Meyeres and C. Bensch. 2017. Genetic and environmental influences on the yields of pentane extractable hydrocarbons of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 99(2): 186-190.
Phytologia 99(1) Jan 19, 2017 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, W. Holmes, J. A. Bartel, M. Corbet and D. Thornburg. 2017. Geographic variation in pentane extractable hydrocarbons in natural populations of Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae, Sunflowers). Phytologia 99(1): 1-9.
Nelson, T. L. and O. W. Van Auken. 2017. Seedling growth and leaf photosynthesis of Acer grandidentatum (Bigtooth maple, Sapindaceae) from isolated central Texas populations. Phytologia 99(1): 11-21.
Adams, R. P., A. Boratynski, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev and A. E. Schwarzbach. 2017. Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P.
Adams and A. N. Tashev in southwestern Turkey. Phytologia 99(1): 22-31.
Adams, R. P. and A. K. TeBeest. 2017. The effects of different concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed germination of Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris Phytologia 99(1): 32-35.
*Turner, B. L. 2017. Legitimacy of the name Croton bigbendensis (Euphorbiaceae). Phytologia 99(1): 36-37
Adams, R. P. 2017. Multiple evidences of past evolution are hidden in nrDNA of Juniperus arizonica and J. coahuilensis populations in the trans-Pecos, Texas region. Phytologia 99(1): 38-47.
Adams, R. P., T. Mataraci, S. Gucel, and J. A. Bartel. 2017. Comparison of leaf essential oils of fastigiate (strict) and horizontal forms of Cupressus sempervirens from Cyprus, Montenegro, Turkey, and United States. Phytologia 99(1): 48-53.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, J. Frelichowski, L. L. Hinze, R. G. Percy, M. Ulloa and J. Burke. 2017. Survey of Cotton (Gossypium sp.) for non-polar, extractable hydrocarbons for use as petrochemical and liquid fuels. Phytologia 99(1): 54-61.
Adams, R. P., M. Socorro Gonzalez-Elizondo, Martha Gonzalez-Elizondo, David Ramirez Noy and Andrea E. Schwarzbach. 2017. DNA sequencing and taxonomy of unusual serrate Juniperus from Mexico: Chloroplast capture and incomplete lineage sorting in J. coahuilensis and allied taxa. Phytologia 99(1): 62-73.
*Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2017. The taxa of Dictyomorpha (Chytridiomycota, in praesens tempus). Phytologia 99(1): 74-82.
*Turner, B. L. 2017 Mandevilla torosa (Apocynaceae), treated as having two allopatric intergrading varieties in Mexico. Phytologia 99(1): 83-85.
Phytologia 98(4) Oct 6, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-98. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Davis, W. J., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. 2016. Triparticalcar equi is a new coprophilous species within Spizellomycetales, Chytridiomycota. p. 241-249.
Carver, S. T., M. A. Arnold, D. H. Byrne, R. D. Lineberger, A. R. King nad A. R. Armitage. 2016. Variation in Vegetative and Floral Characteristics of Potential Commercial Significance in Four Native Texas Coastal Species. p. 250-276.
Adams, R. P., M. Miller and C. Low. 2016. Inheritance of nrDNA in artificial hybrids of Hesperocyparis arizonica x H. macrocarpa. p. 277-283.
Turner, B. L. 2016. Taxonomy and distribution of Euphorbia stictospora (Euphorbiaceae). p. 284-287.
Turner, B. L. 2016. Addendum to Comps of Mexico, Vol 22, The genus Wyethia. p. 288-289.
Adams, R. P., A. K. TeBeest, B. Vaverka and C. Bensch. 2016. Ontogenetic variation in pentane extractable hydrocarbons from Helianthus annuus. p. 290-297
Mohanty, R. P., M. A. Buchheim, R. Portman and E. Levetin. 2016. Molecular and ultrastructural detection of plastids in Juniperus (Cupressaceae) pollen. p. 298-310.
*Turner, B. L. 2016. Distribution of Euploca confertifolia (Boraginaceae), including it two varietal components. p. 311-312.
Plourd, K. C. and T. Mione. 2016. Pollination does not affect floral nectar production, and is required for fruit-set by a hummingbird-visited Andean plant species. p. 313-317.
Phytologia 98(3) July 6, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-97. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Van Auken, O. W. and Wendy J. Leonard. Mortality and growth of Chaptalia texana (silver-puff) in full sun and canopy shade. p. 156-163.
Adams, R. P. and D. Thornburg. A survey of percent-filled and empty seeds in multiple years observations of Juniperus arizonica and J. osteosperma. p. 164-169.
*Ward, D. B. Keys to the flora of Florida - 32, Zamia (Zamiaceae). p. 170-178.
Adams, R. P. Juniperus arizonica (R. P. Adams) R. P. Adams, new to Texas. p. 179-185.
Kuijt, J. Measurements and taxonomy in Arceuthobium (Viscaceae). p. 186-189.
Adams, R. P., M. S. Gonzalez-Elizondo, M. Gonzalez-Elizondo, J. Sirotnak and G. M. Ferguson. 2016. Geographic variation in the leaf essential oils of Hesperocyparis in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Mexico. p. 190-202.
*Staples, G. W. and J.-f. Butaud. A new endemic subspecies of Stictocardia (Convolvulaceae) from the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. p. 203-206.
Adams, R. P. and P. Oliveira. Comparison of intensely sweet volatile leaf oils of Lippia dulcis (Verbenaceae) with low and high camphor from Brazil and Mexico. p. 207-212.
Adams, R. P. and A. K. TeBeest. The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), Ethrel, seed soaking and pre-treatment storage temperatures on seed germination of Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris. p. 213-218.
*Adams, R. P. Two new cases of chloroplast capture in incongruent topologies in the Juniperus excelsa complex: J. excelsa var. turcomanica comb. nov. and J. excelsa var. seravschanica comb. nov. p. 219-231.
van Auken, O. W., D. L. Taylor and C. Shen. Diameter growth of Acer grandidentatum (Bigtooth maple) in isolated central Texas populations. p. 232-240.
Phytologia 98(2) April 4, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-97. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Turner, B. L.. Overview of Kallstroemia (Zygophyllaceae) in the USA and Mexico, and description of a new species: Kallstroemia porteri.
p. 89-99
*Adams, R. P., A. E. Schwarzbach and A. N. Tashev. Chloroplast capture by a new variety, Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev, from the Balkan peninsula: A putative stabilized relictual hybrid between J. sabina and ancestral J. thurifera. p. 100-111.
Adams, R. P. Geographical variation in the leaf volatile oils of Grindelia ciliata and G. adenodonta. p. 112-117.
*Kuijt, J. A nomenclatural note on Struthanthus acuminatus (Loranthaceae). p. 118.
Adams, R. P. A. M. Powell and S. Powell. Comparison of volatile oils of Juniperus coahuilensis in fresh seed cones vs. cones in fresh grey fox scat. p. 119-127
Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. Reconsideration of the inclusiveness of genus Plasmophagus (Chytridiomycota, posteris traditus) based on morphology. p. 128-136.
Turner, B. L.. Taxonomy and distribution of Euphorbia chaetocalyx, E. crepidata and E. fruticulosa (Euphorbiaceae). p. 137-141.
*Kuijt, J., J. Harrison and L. Harrison. A third endemic Dendrophthora (Viscaceae) from Cerro Jefe, Panama. p. 142-145.
Adams, R. P., M. Armagan, A. Boratynski, B. Douaihy, M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, V. Farzaliyev, S. Gucel, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev and A. E. Schwarzbach. Evidence of relictual introgression or incomplete lineage sorting in nrDNA of Juniperus excelsa and J. polycarpos in Asia Minor. p. 146-155.
Phytologia 98(1) Jan 5, 1, 2016 (scroll down for Vols. 88-97. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., S. Gucel, T. Mataraci, A. N. Tashev, B. Douaihy and M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, V. Farzaliyev and A. E. Schwarzbach. Geographic variation in nrDNA and four cpDNA regions of Juniperus excelsa: Analysis of new records from Bulgaria, Cyprus and southwestern Turkey. p. 1-7.
Adams, R. P., A. Gilman, M. Hickler, B. Sheets and J. Vanderhorst. First molecular evidence that Juniperus communis var. communis from the eastern hemisphere is growing in the northeastern United States. p. 8-16.
Adams, R. P., M. M. Skopec and J. P. Muir. Comparison of leaf terpenoids and tannins in Juniperus osteosperma from woodrat (Neotoma lepida) browsed and non-browsed trees. p. 17-25.
*Turner, B. L. Melampodium elottianum (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) A new species from along the Rio Cuixmala, Jalisco. p. 26-29.
Adams, R. P., A. Tebeest, W. Holmes and N. Taylor. Survey of non-polar extractables (bio-crude) from Grindelia ciliata (Nuttall) Sprengel. p. 30-36.
Adams, R. P. and Asako Matsumoto. Inheritance of nrDNA in artificial hybrids of Cryptomeria japonica cv. Haara and C. japonica cv. Kumotoshi. p. 37-41.
Riefner, R. E., Jr. Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae) naturalized in Southern California, U. S. A.: Linking plant, pollinator, and suitable microhabitats to document the invasion process. 42-75.
van Auken, O. W. and W. J. Leonard. Why is Verbesina virginica (Frostweed, Asteraceae) not found in grasslands? p. 76-88.
Phytologia 97(4) Oct 1, 2015 (scroll down for Vols. 88-96. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Bush, J. K. and O. W. Van Auken. Comparison of a Managed and Unmanaged Quercus stellata (post oak) Community. p. 252-264.
Adams, R. P. and M. Corbet. Geographic variation in the volatile leaf oil of Juniperus occidentalis. II. Analysis from throughout its geographic range. p. 265-270.
*Callahan, F. C. A New Subspecies of Chlorogalum from Jackson County, Oregon, and adjacent Siskiyou County, California: C. pomeridianum (de Candolle) Kunth ssp. austrooreganum Callahan. p. 271-274.
*Callahan, F. C. Two New Subspecies of Calochortus umpquaensis from Southwestern Oregon: C. umpquaensis Fredricks ssp. confertus Callahan and C. umpquaensis Fredericks ssp. flavicomus Callahan. p. 275-281.
*Callahan, F. C. A New Species of Calochortus from Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California: C. rustvoldii Callahan. p. 282-285.
Adams, R. P. et al. nrDNA and petN-psbM sequencing reveals putative Juniperus oxycedrus L. from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Israel to be J. deltoides R. P. Adams. p. 286-290.
*Seigler, D. S., J. E. Ebinger and C. Glass. A second attempt for validation of the names Senegalia x turneri, S. x zamudii, and Vachellia x ziggyi. p. 291-292.
Phytologia 97(3) July 1, 2015 (scroll down for Vols. 88-96. For older Vols., go to Archived Volumes 1-94, above)
Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Adams, R. P. and A. E. Schwarzbach. A new, flaccid, decurrent leaf variety of Juniperus poblana from Mexico:
J. poblana var. decurrens R. P. Adams. p. 152-163.
Adams, R. P., S. Carver and M. Arnold. Comprehensive analysis of leaf volatile oil of Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC
and preliminary analysis of variation along the Texas gulf coast. p. 164-169.
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. Vachellia x ruthvenii (V. bravoensis x V. rigidula) (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) in
Texas. p. 170-174.
*Turner, B. L. Taxonomy of the Phacelia infundibuliformis complex (Hydrophyllaceae). p. 175-178.
*Seigler, D. S. and J. E. Ebinger. Clarification of Acacia multipinnata, A. paniculata, A. scandens and A. tenuifolia p. 179-186.
Adams, R. P. Allopatric hybridization and introgression between Juniperus maritima R. P. Adams and J. scopulorum Sarg. II.
Additional Evidence from nuclear and cpDNA genes in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah. p. 189-199.
Mathiasen, R. L. and S. C. Kenaley. A morphometric analysis of Arceuthobium campylopodum, A. laricis, and A. tsugense
(Viscaceae). p. 200-218.
*Staples, G. W., M. T. Buril, A. R. Simões, and R. Govaerts. Nomenclatural corrections in Convolvulaceae diversae. p. 219-223.
*Seigler, D. S., J. E. Ebinger and C. Glass. Validation of the name Senegalia x turneri. p. 224-225.
*B. L. Turner. Taxonomy of Chamaesaracha (Solanaceae). p. 226-245.
*J. Kuijt. New synonyms and comments on Phoradendron (Viscaceae) p. 246-251.
Phytologia 97(2) April 1, 2015 Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
*Blackwell, W. H., P. M. Letcher and M. J. Powell. A review and update of the genus Sapromyces (Straminipila: Oomycota). p. 82 - 93.
Adams, R. P. and R. E. Riefner, Jr. Geographic variation in the leaf essential oils of Juniperus grandis (Cupressaceae) III. San Gabriel Mtns.
population. p. 94-102.
Grunstra, M. B. and O. W. van Auken. Photosynthetic characteristics of Garrya ovata Benth. (Lindheimer’s silktassle, Garryaceae) at ambient
and elevated levels of light, CO2 and temperature. p. 103-119.
*Turner, B. L. New Names for the Texas Taxa of Acacia (Fabaceae). p. 120-122.
Adams, R. P., M. Rhanem and A. E. Schwarzbach. Juniperus communis in Morocco: analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA regions. p. 123-128.
Thornburg, D. and R. P. Adams. A photographic essay on the development of seed cones in Juniperus arizonica. p. 129-131.
*Turner, B. L. Hymenopappus carrii (Asteraceae: Helenieae), a new species frrm the gulf coastal prairie of south-central Texas. p. 132-136.
*Kuijt, J. Lectotypification of Viscum latifolium Lamarck. p. 137-138.
*Kuijt, J., J. Harrison and L. Harrison. Endemism in two new species of Dendrophthora (Viscaceae) from Cerro Jefe, Panama. p. 139-144.
Adams, R. P. and T. A. Zanoni. The volatile leaf oils of Juniperus flaccida Schltdl., J. martinezii Perez de la Rosa and J. poblana (Mart.) R. P.
Adams, re-examined. p. 145-151.
Phytologia 97(1) Jan. 2, 2015 Papers containing nomenclatural changes are marked with an *
Adams, R. P., M. Kauffmann and F. Callahan. The leaf essential oil of Abies grandis (Doug. ex
D. Don) Lindl. (Pinaceae): revisited 38 years later. p. 1-5.
Adams, R. P., V. Farzaliyev, A. N. Tashev and A. E. Schwarzbach. Juniperus communis f.
pygmaea in Azerbaijan: analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA regions. p. 6-11.
*Turner, B. L. Taxonomic study of the Tithonia calva complex (Asteraceae, Heliantheae).
p. 12-15.
*Turner, B. L. Recension of Viguiera (sensu stricto) (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) of Mexico. p. 16-24.
*Turner, B. L. Three new species of Stevia (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae) from northern Mexico.
p. 25-31.
Van Auken, O. W. and J. K. Bush. Gas exchange rates for Chaptalia texana (silver-puff, Asteraceae) An herbaceous understory species.
p. 32-44.
Adams, R. P., G. M. Ferguson and David Thornburg. First comprehensive report on the composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus
arizonica Engelm. and P. ponderosa var. brachyptera Engelm. p. 45-50.
*Kuijt, J., J. Harrison and L. Harrison. Oryctanthus callicarpus, a replacement for Mesoamerican O. occidentalis (Loranthaceae). p. 51-54.
Adams, R. P. Allopatric hybridization and introgression between Juniperus maritima R. P. Adams and J. scopulorum Sarg.: Evidence from
nuclear and cpDNA and leaf terpenoids. p. 55-66.
Terry, R. G. and R. P. Adams. A molecular re-examination of phylogenetic relationships among Juniperus, Cupressus, and the
Hesperocyparis-Callitropsis-Xanthocyparis clades of Cupressaceae. p. 67-75.
Adams, R. P., T. A. Fairhall, G. Hunter and C. Parker. First comprehensive report on the composition of the leaf volatile terpenoids of Pinus
contorta vars. contorta, latifolia and murrayana. p. 76-81.