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Volume 89 2007
Number 1, April 2007
PDF J . R. Reeder and C. G. Reeder. Two more alien grasses now at home in the continental USA.
PDF R. P. Adams and L. E. Baker. Pleistocene infraspecific evolution in Juniperus ashei Buch.
PDF M. Grunstra and O. W. Van Auken. Factors that influence the distribution and cover of Helianthus paradoxus in west Texas salt marsh.
PDF R. P. Adams and S. Nguyen. Post-Pleistocene geographic variation in Juniperus communis in North America.
PDF D. B. Ward. Keys to the flora of Florida - 15, Typha (Typhaceae).
PDF B. L. Turner. Eriogonum graniticum (Polygonaceae), a new name and rank for E. tenellum var. ramosissimum.
PDF J. L. Reveal. Mulgedium oblongifolium (Asteraceae), a new combination.
PDF B. L. Turner. A new species of Orbexilum (Leguminosae) from Chiapas, Mexico.
PDF B. L. Turner. A new species of Phasaria (Brassicaceae) from north central Mexico.
PDF J. R. Singhurst, D. J. Rosen, W. R. Carr and W. C. Holmes. Studies on the taxonomy, distribution, and abundance of Thalictrum texanum (Ranunculaceae).
PDF G.S. Hinton and B. L. Turner. Notes on the Verbesina hintoniorum (Asteraceae) complex in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
PDF R. P. Adams. Using sequence inverted repeats (RAPDs) data in systematics: Potential, problems and solutions.
PDF J. R. Spence. Nomenclatural changes in the Bryaceae (Bryopsida) for North America II.
PDF M. D. de Moraes, J. L. Panero and J. Semir. New combinations in Dimerostemma (Asteraceae: Heliantheae - Ecliptinae).
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PDF J . R. Reeder and C. G. Reeder. Two more alien grasses now at home in the continental USA.
PDF R. P. Adams and L. E. Baker. Pleistocene infraspecific evolution in Juniperus ashei Buch.
PDF M. Grunstra and O. W. Van Auken. Factors that influence the distribution and cover of Helianthus paradoxus in west Texas salt marsh.
PDF R. P. Adams and S. Nguyen. Post-Pleistocene geographic variation in Juniperus communis in North America.
PDF D. B. Ward. Keys to the flora of Florida - 15, Typha (Typhaceae).
PDF B. L. Turner. Eriogonum graniticum (Polygonaceae), a new name and rank for E. tenellum var. ramosissimum.
PDF J. L. Reveal. Mulgedium oblongifolium (Asteraceae), a new combination.
PDF B. L. Turner. A new species of Orbexilum (Leguminosae) from Chiapas, Mexico.
PDF B. L. Turner. A new species of Phasaria (Brassicaceae) from north central Mexico.
PDF J. R. Singhurst, D. J. Rosen, W. R. Carr and W. C. Holmes. Studies on the taxonomy, distribution, and abundance of Thalictrum texanum (Ranunculaceae).
PDF G.S. Hinton and B. L. Turner. Notes on the Verbesina hintoniorum (Asteraceae) complex in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
PDF R. P. Adams. Using sequence inverted repeats (RAPDs) data in systematics: Potential, problems and solutions.
PDF J. R. Spence. Nomenclatural changes in the Bryaceae (Bryopsida) for North America II.
PDF M. D. de Moraes, J. L. Panero and J. Semir. New combinations in Dimerostemma (Asteraceae: Heliantheae - Ecliptinae).
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