Home | Archived Volumes 1-87 | Subscription | Contact Editors | Instructions for Journal Authors | Ready to Publish a Monographic Book? | Phytologia Memoirs (Monographic Books) Available
An open-access journal to expedite plant systematic, phytogeographical and ecological publication.
Due to the high costs of printing and mailing of books, Phytologia Memoirs
has temporarily suspended the publication of new books in this series, while we search for a practical solution to this problem.
Instructions for Submission of a Monographic Book
(Phytologia Memoirs Series)
General Instructions
Please contact the managing editor and discuss your plans to publish a Monographic Book with the managing editor well in advance of submission.
Phytologia Memoirs is a rapid publication of Monographic books series.
All manuscripts should be accompanied with two (2) reviews. Please incorporate the suggestions of the reviewers or comment on why the suggestions are not incorporated.
Due to the nature of rapid publication, the major portion of editing your manuscript rests on the author. The role of the managing editor is to convert your manuscript and figures to the digital publication specifications used by Phytologia. At least one member of the Phytologia Editorial Board will read your manuscript and suggest corrections of minor errors to the managing editor. However, that does not absolve the author from rigorous spell checking their manuscript before submission and checking the most recent issue of Phytologia for page formatting, topic headings, the literature citation format, etc.
Text Portion
Label your file as: AuthorNameKeywordsdate
(ex. AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06.doc). Only the lead author's name is needed. The text portion should be in MS Word (if possible) and sent as a .doc file. If you are unsure if your Word processor is compatible with MS Word (MS WinXP), send the text as both .doc and .rtf files (For Mac users, .rtf seems more reliable to convert to MS Word). NOTE: If you are not using MS WORD, then please set your margins so that the text (when printed) is 5" wide, using Times Roman, single spacing, 10 pt. Set your top and bottom margins so the text is 8" tall (when printed).
Please Format your text in the Phytologia Memoirs page size:
Set your Font to Times New Roman, 10 pt.
Set line spacing to: single.
A major problem in rapid publication is in re-formatting your text to the size used in Phytologia. This is especially critical in re-formatting keys! Go to Page Setup and set the following:
Paper (tab):
Paper Size: B5(JIS) 7.17" x 10.12"
Orientation: click Portrait
Multiple pages click Normal
Top 1" Bottom 1"
Inside 1" Outside 1"
Gutter 0"
Headers 0.5"
Layout: section start - continuous
Label your figures as: AuthorNameKeywordsdateFigx
(ex. AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig1.jpg; AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig2.jpg; AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig3.jpg, etc.)
Scan your figures at 600 dpi. 300 dpi can be too grainy. Because Phytologia is printed at 600 dpi, scanning images at a higher resolution merely results in larger files to transfer.
Figures are easily converted from the .jpg format, but we can convert most graphic formats. .tif format seems to have the same resolution (600dpi) as .jpg, but the files are much larger.
Some authors find it easier to embed their figures in the text and this seems to be acceptable, particularly from authors using a PC with MS Word and WinXP. This does not seem to work well on manuscripts from Mac users (MS and Mac are still not quite compatible!), so sending the figures as .jpg files as attachments is preferable.
Size of attachments: Baylor current limit is 8mB. If needed, send multiple emails, but please clearly identify the emails.
ex. AdamsJunipersfigs1of3, AdamsJuniperusfigs2of3, AdamsJuniperusfigs3of3.
Paper Layout
Due to the nature of the contents of Phytologia Memoirs, the author can utilize a layout that best suits their paper.
Due to the size and complexity, it is usually best to send all of the book components (text, figures) on a flash drive.
All manuscripts should be submitted to the managing editor.
Please contact the managing editor and discuss your plans to publish a Monographic Book with the managing editor well in advance of submission.
Phytologia Memoirs is a rapid publication of Monographic books series.
All manuscripts should be accompanied with two (2) reviews. Please incorporate the suggestions of the reviewers or comment on why the suggestions are not incorporated.
Due to the nature of rapid publication, the major portion of editing your manuscript rests on the author. The role of the managing editor is to convert your manuscript and figures to the digital publication specifications used by Phytologia. At least one member of the Phytologia Editorial Board will read your manuscript and suggest corrections of minor errors to the managing editor. However, that does not absolve the author from rigorous spell checking their manuscript before submission and checking the most recent issue of Phytologia for page formatting, topic headings, the literature citation format, etc.
Text Portion
Label your file as: AuthorNameKeywordsdate
(ex. AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06.doc). Only the lead author's name is needed. The text portion should be in MS Word (if possible) and sent as a .doc file. If you are unsure if your Word processor is compatible with MS Word (MS WinXP), send the text as both .doc and .rtf files (For Mac users, .rtf seems more reliable to convert to MS Word). NOTE: If you are not using MS WORD, then please set your margins so that the text (when printed) is 5" wide, using Times Roman, single spacing, 10 pt. Set your top and bottom margins so the text is 8" tall (when printed).
Please Format your text in the Phytologia Memoirs page size:
Set your Font to Times New Roman, 10 pt.
Set line spacing to: single.
A major problem in rapid publication is in re-formatting your text to the size used in Phytologia. This is especially critical in re-formatting keys! Go to Page Setup and set the following:
Paper (tab):
Paper Size: B5(JIS) 7.17" x 10.12"
Orientation: click Portrait
Multiple pages click Normal
Top 1" Bottom 1"
Inside 1" Outside 1"
Gutter 0"
Headers 0.5"
Layout: section start - continuous
Label your figures as: AuthorNameKeywordsdateFigx
(ex. AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig1.jpg; AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig2.jpg; AdamsJuniperusScopulorum6-11-06Fig3.jpg, etc.)
Scan your figures at 600 dpi. 300 dpi can be too grainy. Because Phytologia is printed at 600 dpi, scanning images at a higher resolution merely results in larger files to transfer.
Figures are easily converted from the .jpg format, but we can convert most graphic formats. .tif format seems to have the same resolution (600dpi) as .jpg, but the files are much larger.
Some authors find it easier to embed their figures in the text and this seems to be acceptable, particularly from authors using a PC with MS Word and WinXP. This does not seem to work well on manuscripts from Mac users (MS and Mac are still not quite compatible!), so sending the figures as .jpg files as attachments is preferable.
Size of attachments: Baylor current limit is 8mB. If needed, send multiple emails, but please clearly identify the emails.
ex. AdamsJunipersfigs1of3, AdamsJuniperusfigs2of3, AdamsJuniperusfigs3of3.
Paper Layout
Due to the nature of the contents of Phytologia Memoirs, the author can utilize a layout that best suits their paper.
Due to the size and complexity, it is usually best to send all of the book components (text, figures) on a flash drive.
All manuscripts should be submitted to the managing editor.